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HOGAN OVERVIEW World’s leading provider of employee selection and development assessments 1.

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Presentation on theme: "HOGAN OVERVIEW World’s leading provider of employee selection and development assessments 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOGAN OVERVIEW World’s leading provider of employee selection and development assessments 1

2 HOGAN OVERVIEW Assessed over 3 million working adults performing 400 different jobs across 40 countries 2

3 HOGAN OVERVIEW Over 25 years of research and implementation experience 3

4 HOGAN OVERVIEW Continuous system, research, and support improvement 4

5 HOGAN OVERVIEW Legally defensible: never been successfully challenged 5

6 HOGAN OVERVIEW Predictive, with demonstrable bottom-line results ranging from improved employee performance to reduced turnover and recruiting expertise 6


8  Global test publisher and consulting firm  Helps organizations gain a competitive advantage through people  Support network spans more than 30 countries  Leaders in the field of assessment and measurement LANGUAGES AND CULTURES Korean Macedonian New Zealand Norwegian Polish Romanian Russian Simplified Chinese Slovak South African Spanish Swedish Thai Traditional Chinese Turkish U.K. English U.S. English Arabic Australian Bahasa Brazilian Portuguese Bulgarian Castilian Spanish Czech Danish Dutch Finnish French Canadian French Parisian German Greek Icelandic Indian Italian Japanese GLOBAL REACH


10 THE HOGAN GLOBAL NORM GROUP 9 Overview Norms provide a basis for the interpretation and comparison of an individual’s score to a relevant comparison group. Organizations doing business around the world need a common metric for comparing scores of participants across languages, countries, and cultural regions. Hogan’s Global Norms include data from the Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI), Hogan Development Survey (HDS), and Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) in 41 languages across six continents. Development of Norms Our initial sample included over 1.4 million cases of HPI data collected 2001 to 2010. We eliminated cases containing over 33% missing data, for which assessment language was unknown, or that were administered for testing, demonstration, or quality assurance purposes. We set a cap of 10,000 cases per language to prevent bias toward frequently used languages. When more than 10,000 cases were available, we selected cases based on availability of HDS/MVPI data, occupational category, assessment purpose, age, and gender. We included all data for languages with less than 10,000 cases. Basic Facts The Global Norm represents data from 41 languages across geographic areas. It includes more than 145,000 cases of HPI data collected from working adults. No language represents more than 7% of the total sample. It includes variables to identify cases based on all major ISCO-88 job codes, assessment purpose, age, and gender.


12 WHAT IS HOGAN’S PERSPECTIVE? Practical job = occupational success Measures a person’s reputation Descriptive – organizes reputational descriptors Predicted tendencies indicate probability, not certainty

13 CAN PERSONALITY ASSESSMENTS BENEFIT ORGANIZATIONS? Higher performance Increased sales/revenue Reduced turnover Fewer accidents Improved productivity Greater employee engagement Increased retention Lower recruiting costs

14 WHAT WE MEASURE HPI - Hogan Personality Inventory Normal personality as it relates to success in a job or career HDS - Hogan Development Survey Eleven patterns of behavior that can lead to career derailment MVPI - Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory Core values related to organization fit and leadership environment HBRI – Hogan Business Reasoning Inventory Tactical and strategic reasoning as it relates to decision making

15 WHAT MAKES US DIFFERENT? Values: The work environment you will strive to create Strengths: Characteristics you possess to create it Risks: Performance risks that could get in the way


17 HOGAN PERSONALITY INVENTORY (HPI) Provides insight regarding: Approach to work and to others Leadership Style Interpretation is job-specific High scores are NOT necessarily better Low scores are NOT necessarily worse There are positive and negative implications associated with both low and high scale scores

18 HOGAN PERSONALITY INVENTORY Describes your typical approach to work and interacting with others AdjustmentResiliency: Stress tolerance, composure, and outlook Ambition Leader-like tendencies: expectations for self/others, initiative, and self assuredness SociabilityExtraversion: social pro-activity & presence Interpersonal SensitivityCommunication style: diplomatic vs. direct Prudence Conscientiousness: attention to detail, process focus, and following rules Inquisitive Decision-making/problem-solving approach: strategic vs. pragmatic Learning Approach Learning style: “traditional” and continuous vs. hands-on and just-in-time


20 HOGAN DEVELOPMENT SURVEY (HDS) Provides insight regarding: Negative tendencies that emerge when one is under prolonged exposure to stress or heavy workloads How response styles can adversely influence work-related performance, relationships, one’s reputation and leadership effectiveness Risk level = Likelihood of demonstrating derailing behavior under stress

21 HOGAN DEVELOPMENT SURVEY Over-used strengths capable of impeding your performance Everyday StrengthsStress - Induced Derailers ExcitableIntense & energeticMoody & prone to overreacting SkepticalPerceptive & shrewdCynical & mistrustful CautiousCareful & thoroughExtremely reluctant to take risks ReservedIndependent & businesslikeStoic & disconnected LeisurelyCooperative & agreeableCovertly resistant & insincere BoldConfident & assertiveStubborn, arrogant, & smug MischievousCharming & jocularIrreverent & untrustworthy ColorfulOutgoing & animated“Showboating” & overwhelming ImaginativeInnovative & creativeOff-the-wall & unrealistic DiligentDetail oriented & hardworkingPerfectionistic & demanding DutifulSupportive & loyalIngratiating & deferential


23 MOTIVES, VALUES, PREFERENCES INVENTORY (MVPI) Provides insight regarding: How a person gains satisfaction and stays motivated Environment within which a person wants to work Environment one will create for his/her direct reports Interpretation: Low Scores = Indifference Moderate Scores = Interests High Scores = True drivers

24 MOTIVES, VALUES, PREFERENCES INVENTORY Describes workplace values you consider most motivating & rewarding RecognitionPublic acknowledgement and “pats on the back” PowerBeing in charge and being perceived as influential HedonismFun, lighthearted, and open-minded work environments AltruisticActively helping others and providing excellent customer service AffiliationNetworking, building relationships, belonging to work group TraditionConservative org. cultures and personal-workplace values match SecuritySecure, predictable, and risk-free work environments CommerceMaking and saving money and involvement in org. finances AestheticsFocusing on quality and product “look & feel” ScienceAnalytic problem solving and working with technology

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