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Watermelon Drill. Star Drill Joystick Marathon Middies.

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Presentation on theme: "Watermelon Drill. Star Drill Joystick Marathon Middies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Watermelon Drill

2 Star Drill

3 Joystick

4 Marathon Middies

5 D2 D-Pole Slides C G Drill Details: All defenders in line hold stick vertical with butt end on ground and in outside hand. Drill starts with D1 defensive slide facing other defenders. When D1 is parallel to D2 he sprints to the player and poke checks. Then goes back and slides to D3 and so on all the way to D6. After D6 coach rolls ball out and D1 gets ground ball and passes to G. D2 now is checker and everyone moves down one spot. Keys of Drill: 1.Quick feet. 2. No lunging with quick hands 3.Transition to slap check and wrap check. D3 D4 D5 D1 D6 GB P1

6 Straight Cone Dodging Drill Details: All players will dodge at each cone with a different dodge per rotation. Split, Roll, Face, Bull. Coaches will be at every other cone with light pressure. Keys of Drill: 1.Finish dodge in front of next cone. 2. Finish hard. X1 C1 C2 X1 C1 C2 X1 C1 C2 X1 C1 C2

7 X3 Multiple Dodge & Shoot: Both Sides High & Low X4 X2X1 S2 S1 Drill Details: X1 and X2 go at same time and do a quick split dodge on first cone and roll dodge on second cone into a shot. Both X1 and X2 go from inside hand to outside hand and inner roll. After they shoot, X3 and X4 sprint to cone and do a split followed by an inner roll dodge. After dodge they must work on close in fakes and shoot. Rotate clockwise. Keys of Drill: 1.Work on split dodge and inner roll dodge. 2.Must use outside hands for shots. 3.Top positions to work on shooting with jumping style. 4.Freezing goalies with change of planes and body fakes for attack moves. S4 S3

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