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Harford Technical High School MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio Student: John Smith Program Attendance Dates: September 1, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Harford Technical High School MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio Student: John Smith Program Attendance Dates: September 1, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Harford Technical High School MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio Student: John Smith Program Attendance Dates: September 1, 2009 to June 10, 12 2011

2 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio For Students = Directions for completing the portfolio: Information to Employers on the MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio Eric Foster Construction Technology Instructor 410-879-9087

3 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio PERSONAL DATA Directions for completing the personal data section of this portfolio: NAME: _________________________________ _______________ _________________________________ FIRSTMI LAST ADDRESS DATE OF BIRTH EMERGENCY CONTACT DRIVERS LIC # INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________]

4 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio PERSONAL DATA – Page 2 NAME: _________________________________ _______________ _________________________________ FIRSTMI LAST INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] Photo – Grade 10

5 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio ACADEMIC & ATTENDANCE RECORD INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] ATTENDANCE RECORD Number days present _____________ Number days absent______________ Number of days late ______________ Attendance Percentage ______________ ACADEMIC RECORD English Courses:Grade: ____________________________ _______ Language Courses: ____________________________ _______ ACADEMIC RECORD Math Courses:Grade: ____________________________ _______ Science Courses: ____________________________ _______ COMMENTS

6 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio DESCRIPTION OF INTEREST IN CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] ESSAY: QUESTION – Why did you choose to study construction technology? QUESTION – What will you bring to the employer if hired?

7 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio SKILL DEVELOPMENT RECORD INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] Skill Area Evaluation / Achievement Level N/A APPRENTICE APPRENTICE LEVEL 1 LEVEL 2 Use of Construction Formulas [ ] [ ] [ ] Use of Power Tools [ ] [ ] [ ] Foundation Lay out [ ] [ ] [ ] Framing Lay out [ ] [ ] [ ] Use of Construction Materials [ ] [ ] [ ] Use of Construction Methods [ ] [ ] [ ] COMMENTS

8 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio SKILL DEVELOPMENT RECORD INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROJECT – GRADE 10 PICTURE

9 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio SKILL DEVELOPMENT RECORD INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROJECT – GRADE 11 PICTURE

10 MacRiley Construction Technology Program Student Portfolio SKILL DEVELOPMENT RECORD INSTRUCTOR CHECK [Date]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] EVALUATION [ N/A – S – US]: [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] [________] DESCRIPTION OF MAJOR PROJECT – GRADE 12 PICTURE

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