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Questions circling in my head 3 points worth remembering What squares with my beliefs.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions circling in my head 3 points worth remembering What squares with my beliefs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions circling in my head 3 points worth remembering What squares with my beliefs

2 Change needs to happen

3 We all have different interpretations of a specific standard--- communication is vital

4 We need to change the way we teach. Our students need to be able to think and solve problems.

5 Mike is mean

6 Kids need “hooks” to get them engaged

7 The suggested literature is classics— much of which I read/studied in college. I am ecstatic good lit is in vogue again.

8 Use what we already have to address what we can. Only create what we need and steal everything we can find!

9 Most of the CCS’s seem grade-level appropriate

10 We need to use 21 st century thinking and learning

11 Café fits with some reading standards

12 We will all have the same expectations for what students do.

13 I like the fact that standards are on a continuum that is accessible to all.

14 All kids can learn something and feel successful.

15 Pushing ourselves to push our students.

16 Love technology.

17 We are moving into a technological 21 st century. Our teaching needs to change to prepare children for the future.

18 We need to understand the curriculuum.

19 The standards build upon each other as the students progress through the grades.

20 All students should get the best practices we can provide.

21 Integrating literacy in ALL areas.

22 A great feeling to know what is expected.

23 Cross-grade conversations

24 Blooms

25 Process Writing

26 Teachers need more time to collaborate (and so do students)

27 Students need to be more engaged

28 K-12 flow makes sense

29 Media Informational spelled out

30 Our standards and instruction need more rigor

31 How can we get this ALL done? We only got 6 done!

32 Which resources “labeled” Common Core are valuable?

33 Organize all these documents so they are easily accessible

34 How will we find time to organize it all after these camps are over?

35 Will there be things that still need to be added to the CCS?

36 When will we ever have time to finish this?

37 The difference between knowledge and reasoning/ understandings

38 How to fit more technology into my classroom

39 Will we be all over the board by Thursday— We will have something to implement

40 Will we get everything done?

41 Can we complete them when we are done?

42 How do we embed technology into the standards?

43 Will I be able to use the wiki to the best advantage?

44 We still haven’t answered my question about assessing writing

45 Why is mythology in 4 th grade? Where is time to develop CCSS?

46 Why does it seem like there is so much repetition of wording in the CCSS and on the “unpacking” template?

47 WHEN? HOW? Finding time to further organize curriculum

48 What will this all look like in the end?

49 I thought we would make pacing guides

50 Will we have time to work on ELA again before we are done?

51 More technology embedded

52 Integrate literature, info, language and writing

53 Re-evaluate all the time

54 This is a work in progress

55 Memorizing facts is not enough

56 We’ll have access to others’ ideas as well

57 Teachers are willing (they are all here in the summer) but nervous

58 Keep Technology going!

59 “I can” statements do not need to be complicated… start small

60 Collaboration is key

61 Google calendar

62 Web sites Common Core Info

63 Google Docs

64 4 C’s 1.Collaboration 2.Critical Thinking 3.Creativity 4.Communication

65 We have to think differently than we were taught

66 It won’t happen overnight

67 Keep the spirit of adventure and commitment to optimally facilitate learning

68 Remember: Literacy is cross- curricular

69 The important part of a standard is understanding what the student can do

70 This is a time consuming process

71 These may need to be redefined when the assessments come out

72 CCSS acronym

73 We are starting earlier than some schools

74 Engage students with 21 st century skills

75 Most of this is NOT new--- just organized differently

76 We know HOW to teach…we just have to adapt to new methodologies

77 DOMAIN is new term for strand

78 Others are also creating materials and much is still the same

79 Biggest change is DRAMA and MYTHOLOGY

80 I can’t do everything the first year in all my subjects, but I can do more

81 Historical context will be an integral part of teaching new lit (10 th grade)

82 Kids need to know the standard before the lesson

83 ENGAGE not entertain

84 Have the end in mind when you start

85 There are tons of good resources

86 We can do this!

87 We can make a difference in our students’ learning

88 Our students can also help us learn

89 This is a work in progress and will take time

90 Our interpretations will need revision when the assessments roll out

91 One step at a time

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