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Assignment Instructions

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1 Assignment Instructions
Using the Real-Win-Worth-it framework, assess the potential of the product/service opportunity. Identify the customer need and the potential value or benefit of a new product. Explain primary and secondary markets, competing products and/or services, and the potential to improve upon these. Present the opportunity to the class. Your 3-minute presentation should include approximately three slides: 1) objectively explain the market need - Is it real?; 2) show existing competitive products - Can we win?; and 3) your honest assessment of the potential - Is it worth it? Note that the 180-second time constraint will be strictly enforced. your presentation slides to Joshua by 9am before class on Tuesday.

2 The Market and Target Customer
Picture or Logo Idea Name Title 1 Problem Statement The Market and Target Customer Enter Description of problem here Xyz Who is the customer Would they buy the product? Did you speak to any customers, what were their needs How many potential customers exist in Ghana or generally? Are there different types of customers/ customer segments? Xyz xyz

3 Competing Products or Solutions
Picture or Logo Idea Name Title 2 Proposed Solution Competing Products or Solutions Enter Description of problem here Enter a drawing of the proposed solution if you have one Enter a brief description of why the proposed solution is different or has a competitive advantage over existing products Xyz How difficult is the technology to develop? How much time is required? Are there political barriers? Are there any other complications? How much money will be required? List all competing products Detail their important features Detail how many users the products have. Are they successful? Do they have major flaws or drawback? How is our product or solution different

4 Verdict - xyz Idea Name Is it Real Can we Win Is it Worth It
Picture or Logo Idea Name Verdict - xyz Is it Real Enter your honest opinion if the problem is real: Can we deliver the product in the required volume at the required cost? Can we establish a sustainable competitive advantage? Can we patent or brand the idea? Can we Win Enter your honest opinion regarding whether we can win against competition and deliver the product on time and in budget: Can we deliver the product in the required volume at the required cost? Can we establish a sustainable competitive advantage? Can we patent or brand the idea? Is it Worth It Enter your honest opinion regarding you think the idea can make money: Is the opportunity worth it financially? Do we have access to the necessary resources (financial, developmental, supply chain)? Will the investment be rewarded with appropriate returns?

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