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Where excellence and opportunity meet.™ WI Campus Compact, March 26, 2015 Carleen Vande Zande, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "Where excellence and opportunity meet.™ WI Campus Compact, March 26, 2015 Carleen Vande Zande, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where excellence and opportunity meet.™ WI Campus Compact, March 26, 2015 Carleen Vande Zande, Ph.D.

2 Department or unit 12 pt Overview  Essential Questions Design  Civic Learning Outcomes integration  General Education courses  Community Based Learning Experiences  ePortfolio

3 Department or unit 12 pt Challenges  Faculty Development  Shared Understandings  Discipline language  Scheduling and course pairing  Meaningful assessment  Creating more community partnerships

4 Department or unit 12 pt Recommendations  Look for pockets of innovation that already exist  Broad involvement-alumni, partners, two year campuses too  Clarify learning expectations  AAC&U; Lumina DQP

5 Department or unit 12 pt Student preparation  Scaffolding in course designs freshman to third year  ePortfolio reflection  Peer Mentors; Community Mentors; Alumni Mentors  Make engagement activities available

6 Department or unit 12 pt Reciprocal Relationships  Each Quest III course has a community component with a partner  Policy; Handbook  Public dialogue & sharing of learning  Clarification of expectations  Enlarge volunteer relationships to learning based relationships  Involve ALUMNI

7 Department or unit 12 pt Faculty Development/Reviews  Workshops  Meetings with partners  Importance of course pairing  Contracts; policies of expectations  Part of teaching expectations  Development activities & service on committees valued

8 Department or unit 12 pt Assessment  Course Based & Experience Based  Direct & Indirect  Student self-assessment eP reflections  Synthesis assessment in Connect  New observations of data-GPA, retention, course drops, use of support services

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