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Student Success with CICO: Fading Support Chris Borgmeier, PhD Portland State University

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1 Student Success with CICO: Fading Support Chris Borgmeier, PhD Portland State University

2 Team will use data to monitor student progress ◦ Some students will “graduate” from the program ◦ Some students will require the support on a continuing basis ◦ Some students will not respond to the program & need more or something different Set up processes for: ◦ Fading students off of the program ◦ Escalating intensity of intervention ◦ Maintain & monitor

3 Guidelines for Fading CICO Use Data to inform decision making ◦ Biggest mistake = removing supports too quickly without a transition plan Building habits takes time ◦ Encourage at least 6 weeks of consistent success (80%+) before considering fading CICO  Then… transition to Self Manager for at least 2 successful weeks  Then… fade components of CICO for at least 2 successful weeks  Then…. Graduation and “Alumni Club” follow-up

4 Things Are Going Well… What Now? The GOAL is always to “Graduate” students from our supports or Fade supports ◦ Do so gradually & Support the Transition 1)Increasing student responsibility  Transition into a Self-Management/ Self-Monitoring program 2)Then, gradually removing or “Fading” components of the intervention

5 Example Self Manager: Lucy Lucy has been on CICO for 3.5 months; she has earned 90% of points each week for the last 10 weeks Coordinator provides rationale for “Self Manager” to Lucy ◦ Coordinator teaches Lucy to self monitor using examples and non-examples ◦ When program begins, Lucy’s teacher goes over examples and non-examples ◦ First week: Lucy and teacher monitor and compare records  Teacher provides acknowledgement and feedback based on accuracy  Ratings agree 95% of time ◦ Second week  Teacher monitors appx. 60% of time; feedback based on accuracy  Feedback at other times based on Lucy’s monitoring of behavior ◦ Coordinator  Feedback based on accuracy (with teacher records)  When Lucy monitors independently, feedback based on behavior

6 CICO - Self Manager Increase student monitoring of own behavior Student “checks in” with teacher to review self-ratings and receive feedback 1.Expected behaviors stay the same 2.Reinforcers stay the same 3.Student checks in same amount of times 4.Student monitors behavior using CICO card 5.Plan for teaching accuracy in monitoring

7 Transition to Self Manager 1. Coordinator teaches student responsibilities of being a ‘Self Manager’ and practice: a)Self Scoring b)Comparing w/ Teacher/Staff c)Responding appropriately if ratings differ 2. Student and teacher record separately 3. Compare records; reinforce accuracy 4. Over time, compare less often 5. Reinforce appropriate behavior only 6. Periodically reinforce accuracy

8 Removing Components of CICO After Student is Successfully Self- Monitoring for at least 2 weeks Can begin removing components of the program (removing staff responsibility) ◦ Gradually decrease # of check-ins during the day w/ teachers; Student Self Checks (keep check in and out) ◦ Fade from Daily check out to every other day then 1/week ◦ Remove check in

9 After “Graduation” from CICO  After at least 2 weeks of progressively fading CICO components with consistent student success, can begin to consider Graduation  Graduation = no more CICO card, no more CICO check-ins or support  May to have a ceremony &/or certificate  Continue to monitor student behavior through discipline referrals & teacher report (just like other students) Celebrate continued success ◦ Hold a monthly celebration for students who are maintaining success after Graduating from CICO  Monthly “Alumni Club” Lunch

10 Sample from CICO Handbook


12 Team Tasks Consider & Develop 1)Decision Rules for progressing to Self Manager, Fading & Graduation 2)Self Manager guidelines & materials 3)Fading progression & materials 4)Graduation & “Alumni Club” procedures & materials

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