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Habitat Risk Assessment Jess Silver, Katie Arkema, Joey Bernhardt.

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Presentation on theme: "Habitat Risk Assessment Jess Silver, Katie Arkema, Joey Bernhardt."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habitat Risk Assessment Jess Silver, Katie Arkema, Joey Bernhardt

2 Habitats provide services Habitat for fisheriesRecreational opportunitiesStorm protection

3 Halpern et al 2008 Risk to habitat structure and function

4 Scenarios Services Habitat Risk

5 Questions the model can answer Which habitats are most at risk and where? What types of management options may be useful for reducing risk? Where may human activities create trade-offs among environmental services by posing risk high enough to compromise habitat structure and function?

6 Calculating Risk Strategies for reducing risk EXPOSURE (exogenous: management, intensity, timing etc) Consequence (endogenous: regeneration, connectivity etc) HIGH RISK LOW RISK

7 HRA Output – Ecosystem Risk

8 HRA in process: coastal zone management plan for Belize Zoning scenarios HIGH RISK Consequence EXPOSURE Risk to habitats Fisheries Coastal protection Tourism opportunities Stakeholder, local scientists and government officials

9 Acknowledgements Marine Team Greg Guannel, Anne Guerry, Mary Ruckelshaus, Jodie Toft, Spencer Wood,, Gregg Verutes

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