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Phonics and handwriting Over this year the children will be revising Phase 5 and completing Phase 6 of a synthetic phonics scheme. The children have a.

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2 Phonics and handwriting Over this year the children will be revising Phase 5 and completing Phase 6 of a synthetic phonics scheme. The children have a 20 minute phonics lesson every morning. These include word finds, interactive games, word building and sentence work. The children practice joined handwriting every morning.

3 Literacy: We follow the primary national strategy. We will be covering; Instructions Stories with a familiar setting Poetry Stories by the same author Investigating non fiction texts

4 Reading: The teachers in Year 2 strive to hear the children read as much as possible in a variety of activities. This can be done through reading questions or extracts and texts in literacy. Guided reading. Individual reading. We cannot emphasise enough the importance of you listening to your child read as much as possible.

5 Learning outcomes for the end of Year 2: Literacy: Speak with clarity and intonation and explain ideas and processes. Tell real and imagined stories using conventions of story language Routinely apply phonic knowledge when reading difficult words and use knowledge of word structure to support reading Read whole books independently, commenting on features and giving reasons for them Explain organisational features of the text and how particular words are used Sustain form in narrative and non narrative writing, including purpose and tense using simple and compound sentences Make adventurous word and language choices appropriate to style and purpose of text Spell new words using phonics and self checking strategies Write legibly using upper and lower case letters appropriately

6 Numeracy The Primary Framework strands of learning that we follow are; Using and applying mathematics Counting and understanding number Knowing and using number facts Calculating Understanding shape Measuring Handling Data

7 Times tables: Over the course of the year the children will be beginning to learn their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. However, this will not be starting until the teachers are sure the children can confidently and accurately count, recognise and use numbers up to 100.

8 Learning outcomes for the end of Year 2 continued: Numeracy: Count to at least 100, order, read and write numbers to 100. Count forwards and backwards in ones or tens from any two-digit number Recognise odd and even numbers. Add and subtract numbers under 20 in their heads. Know pairs of ‘tens’ numbers that make 100, e.g. 30 + 70. Double and halve small numbers Know by heart the 2 and 10 times tables. Find the total value of a handful of coins to £1. Measure or weigh using metres, centimetres, kilograms or litres. Tell the time to the half and quarter hour. Name and describe common 2-D and 3-D shapes. Solve simple number problems, and explain how to work them out.

9 Science: This year we will be covering the following topics: Forces and movement Electricity Health and growth Grouping and changing materials Plants and animals Variation

10 ICT: This year we will be covering the following topics: Finding information Questions and answers Creating pictures Routes Touch typing Using a variety of different software to aid; music, publishing of work, drawing and design and animation.

11 History: Over this academic year we will be covering the following topics: Seaside holidays- linked with geography. Remembrance The Victorians Mexican history – linked with geography.

12 Geography: Seaside Holidays An Island home – links with literacy stories by the same author. Fieldwork Mexico

13 Art and D&T This year the following topics will be covered: Creating our own lighthouses with moving mechanisms. Collages Puppets Mexican sculpture and masks Observational drawing

14 Homework: There will be homework set every week and this alternates between Literacy and Numeracy. The homework is handed out on a Wednesday and is due in the following Monday. Spellings will also be given out every Friday for a test on Friday. The spellings are based upon key words or the phonics the children will be learning in that week.

15 How can you help your child at home? Literacy: By reading a variety of texts and discussing them, pointing out the key features. Practising reading and the spelling of high frequency words regularly. Playing verbal games with words, creating stories, creating characters and orally describing items.

16 How can you help your child at home? continued Numeracy: By making sure the children are confident of their number bonds to 10 and 20. Working with them to improve their accuracy in adding one and 2 digit numbers together in their heads and on a number line. Understanding about numbers being greater than or less than other numbers. Counting accurately and being confident with numbers up to 100.

17 SAT’s In Year 2 SAT’s take place where the children are tested in Literacy and Numeracy. The tests are played down by the teachers so the children should not become worried or stressed.

18 School trips This term we are walking down to the memorial in Chalfont St Peter and going to the pantomime. The Shortenills trip is in the summer term. More details about the trip will be given closer to the time.

19 Swimming: Swimming is taking place for 2ME for this term and half of the following term. Swimming will take place for 2AS in the second half of term 2 and all of term 3. The children will be taught by qualified school staff and by qualified staff at the Chalfont Leisure centre.

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