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Security WG: Report of the Fall 2015 Meeting ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt DE 12 November 2015 Howard Weiss NASA/JPL/PARSONS +1-443-430-8089.

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Presentation on theme: "Security WG: Report of the Fall 2015 Meeting ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt DE 12 November 2015 Howard Weiss NASA/JPL/PARSONS +1-443-430-8089."— Presentation transcript:

1 Security WG: Report of the Fall 2015 Meeting ESA/ESOC, Darmstadt DE 12 November 2015 Howard Weiss NASA/JPL/PARSONS +1-443-430-8089

2 Meeting Agenda 9 November 2015 – 08:45 – 09:45: CCSDS Plenary – 09:45 – 10:45: Systems Engineering Area (SEA) Plenary – 10:45 – 12:30: Joint meeting with DTN WG – 13:30 – 17:30: Security WG – Welcome, introductions, logistics, agenda review – Review results of Spring 2015 (Pasadena) meeting – Status of documents, action items – Future work areas for CWE Framework – Reconfirmation/review of published SecWG documents – Charter review (if required) – D/Chair discussion (all) – Review the new programs list (all) – CCSDS Credentials Program (Weiss) – Federation – Cloud Testing Update (Bailey) – Cloud Security (Aguilar-Sanchez) – ESA Secure Software Development Update(Fischer) – ESA/ESOC visit – Working Group Dinner

3 Meeting Agenda (cont) 10 November 2015 (08:45 – 17:30) – Network Layer Security » IPsec Testing + Yellow Book Status (Sheehe/Airaud) » Network layer security for non-IP environments (Fischer/Aguilar- Sanchez) – Key Management Blue Book (Fischer/Aguilar-Sanchez) » KM for SDLS extended procedures (Fischer) Extended procedures implementation (Koisser) » KM Green Book – Link Layer Security Update Discussion (Biggerstaff/Weiss/Aguilar- Sanchez/Fischer) – Physical Layer Security (Aguilar-Sanchez) – Proposed new areas of work – continuation of discussions – Other areas of discussion – EUMETSAT visit 11 November 2015 – 08:45-17:30: Space Data Link Security WG 12 November 2015 – 08:45-13:00: Space Data Link Security WG – 16:00-17:30: SEA Wrap-up Plenary

4 Attendance NameOrganizationEmail Address Howard Weiss (Chair)NASA/JPL/ Gordon BlackUK Space Agency/ Daniel FischerESA/ Ignacio Aguilar-SanchezESA/ Chuck SheeheNASA/ Dorothea Julian Guillaume Brandon BaileyNASA/ Craig BiggerstaffNASA/JSC/ David KoisserESA/ Jia Tony JamesGEO

5 Executive Summary  Attendees from UK Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC, ESA/ESOC, DLR, CNES, CNSA, EUMETSAT, GEO Space, NASA/GRC, NASA/GSFC, NASA/JSC, and NASA/JPL.  We held a joint meeting with DTN to continue our work on DTN security and the inclusion of CMS into the bundle security specification.  We revisited our previous discussions on SecWG future programs and edited and adjusted the previous list.  Reviewed action items from Pasadena. Nearly all the assigned action items from Pasadena were completed. Several that have been carried forward from several meetings were once gain carried forward.  We discussed the five SecWG books up for reconfirmation. We will revise 350.0 (CCSDS Protocols to Secure Systems), move both 350.2-G (Encryption Survey) and 350.3-G (Authentication Survey) to historical, and revise 350.4-G (Interconnection Guide). 350.1-G (Threat Green Book) has already been revised.  We discussed the appointment of a Deputy WG chair. The WG will take a “silent” (email) vote to decide between the two candidates.  Reviewed Network Layer Security adaption profile testing. Testing is near completion.  Discussed the “white paper” on cloud-based testing environment architectures and its conclusions & recommendations.  Discussed the “credentials” new program and what constitutes the program. A “white paper” will be created to document our current thoughts for further review.  Reviewed ESA Secure Software Initiative which will soon be published as an ESA standard. Also reviewed the analogous NASA work.  Discussed the changes to the Key Management Magenta Book and ESA provided a demonstration of the OTAR key management mechanisms using the ESA simulator.  Discussed the future potential for a program on physical layer security.

6 Summary of Goals and Deliverables 1. Revised future SecWG programs list. 2. KM Magenta Book is progressing. 3. Met with DTN on security. 4. NASA/GRC and CNES Network Layer Security testing is completing. 5. Reviewed cloud computing testing environment white paper. 6. Discussed the constitution of the credentials program – what it should include and how it should be accomplished. 7. Reviewed the five Security WG documents which were up for review: one was already revised, two additional will be revised, and two will be retired to historical status.

7 SEA Area MID-TERM REPORT SUMMARY TECHNICAL STATUS 1.Security WG Goal: Working Status: Active _X_ Idle ____ Summary progress: documents actively being produced: Key Management MB, Network Layer BB, Cloud Testing. All docs green. Progress since last meeting: threat GB rev complete, network layer security testing, KM MB progress, DTN Security. Problems and Issues: None status:OKCAUTIONPROBLEM Comment: Working Group is advancing and producing good products. Docs OK.

8 Near-Term Schedule DeliverableMilestoneDate Key Management Magenta Book Continue drafting next revision01/16 Network Layer Profile Completed per testing results feedback 02/16 Network Layer Yellow Book Final01/16 Cloud Testing White paper12/15

9 Future Work Areas  (1) Credentials (2016) (NASA, ESA, DLR, CNES)  Certificate management (separate doc?)  (2) Secure Software GB (2016-2017) (to be reviewed) (ESA, NASA)  (3) Link layer security for future unified space link protocol (migration of SDLS). (2018)  (4) Network layer over space packets (2017) (ESA)  (5) Application layer security (protecting the app layer):  TLS; (2018)  providing security services via the application layer (KM, etc) eg., SM&C MOS (mission operation services). (2020)  SDLS Extended Procedures Green Book (2017)  SDLS Extended Procedures Yellow Book (2016)  Network Layer (IP) Security Green Book  DTN Security (underway in DTN WG)

10 Open Issues  See next slide:

11 Resolutions to be Sent to the CESG and Then to CMC: To reiterate from Pasadena  Resolution: The SecWG will be actively engaged in the review of all Red Books:  Levels of involvement range from cursory examination of the Red Books under development, to active involvement in the development of the books. Response: AD will provide docs to the WG for review in parallel with AD review.  Resolution: All CCSDS document editors will reach out, early in the development of the book to the SecWG to reduce downstream security issues. Response: AD will provide “pointers” to WGs for SecWG  Resolution: Security shall be addressed in all new project initiations. All new projects should consider the extent to which security is relevant. Considerations will be documented in the project initiation request. Response: AD forwards new projects definitions to SecWG to analyze security implications & to work with the initiating WG.

12 Action Items Item NumberAction Item:Assigned to:Date Due: SecWG1115:1Review all other CCSDS WGs to determine if they should be working on security. Gordon Black02/01/16 SecWG1115:2Discuss SM&C security related activitiesDaniel Fischer12/15/15 SecWG1115:3Revise and update CCSDS 350.0-G (security protocols) – 1 st draft Howard Weiss, Craig Biggerstaff, Daniel Fischer, Ignacio Aguilar- Sanchez 03/01/16 SecWG1115:4Move 350.2-G and 350.3-G to historical status Howard Weiss11/30/15 SecWG1115:5Revise and update CCSDS 350.4-G (interconnection guide) – 1 st draft Craig Biggerstaff + EUMETSAT, ESA, CNES, UKSA, NASA, DLR 03/01/16 SecWG1115:6Vote for the candidate of your choice for Deputy Security WG chair All11/30/15 SecWG1115:7Review the Strategic Plan materialsAll11/30/15

13 Action Items Item NumberAction Item:Assigned to:Date Due: SecWG1115:8Revise Cloud Testing white paper and circulate to the WG for review. Brandon Bailey12/1/15 SecWG1115:9Draft a white paper to document the direction that should be considered for the credentials program Chuck Sheehe01/15/16 SecWG1115:10Update the KM “magenta” bookDaniel Fisher01/15/16

14 Resource Problems  Resources had been adequate to perform the current tasks although personnel have only limited time percentage to apply to CCSDS tasks.

15 Risk Management Update  Must ensure that the current trend of additional resources remains and that resources don’t shrink.

16 Cross Area WG/BOF Issues  Joint meeting with Space Data Link Security (SDLS) WG  SDLS joint meeting with CSTS and USLP  Joint meeting with Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) WG

17 New Working Items, New BOFs, etc.  Credentials.


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