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Humanitarian Work of RCSC and Sino-Africa National Societies Cooperative Strategy Zhang Ming 20 August 2014 Beijing.

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Presentation on theme: "Humanitarian Work of RCSC and Sino-Africa National Societies Cooperative Strategy Zhang Ming 20 August 2014 Beijing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Humanitarian Work of RCSC and Sino-Africa National Societies Cooperative Strategy Zhang Ming 20 August 2014 Beijing

2 Red Cross Society of China Our Mission To carry forward the spirit of humanity, fraternity and dedication, protect human life and health, preserve human dignity, and promote peace and progress of mankind.

3 Long History and Profound Traditions 1904-2014

4 31 October 1993 The Fourth Session of the Eighth Standing Comittee of NPC passed Law of PRC on Red Cross Society. August 1952 China became one of the contracting states of Geneva Conventions. The 18th Red Cross and Red Crescent International Conference admitted RCSC as China's only legitimate national Red Cross organization. Long History and Profound Traditions

5 Irreplaceable Auxiliary

6 人道、博爱、奉献 Humanity, Fraternity, Dedication Spiritual Value Serves the Society

7 Honorary President: Hu Jintao President: Hua Jianmin Executive Vice President(CEO): Zhao Baige Institutional Framework Headquartered in Beijing 7 public institutions directly subordinate to HQ 32 provincial branches Adopted Hong Kong and Macau Red Cross in 1997 and 1999 respectively as two highly autonomous branches 8900 grassroots organizations (prefecture, county, township and community levels) Full time staff: 12585 Volunteers: 1.95 million Financial resources: Membership fees, social donations support from Chinese government Red Cross Society of China

8 National Convention National Council Executive Council Executive Committee RCSC Provincial branches RCSC Prefecture- level branches RCSC County-level Branches Red Cross grassroots units RCSC Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps BRANCH RCSC Industry branches RCSC branches in SARs Institutions affiliated to the RCSC HQs Foreign Aid Supply Center Disaster Preparedness and Disaster Response Center National Training Center Data Bank of Chinese Hematopoietic Stem Cell Donors Chinese Red Cross Foundation Chinese Red Cross Press HQ Institution Service Center Special Committees School Red Cross Working Committee Red Cross Volunteer Services Working Committee Fundraising Working Committee Communication Working Committee Mass Health Promotion Working Committee Emergency Response Working Committee First Aid Working Committee RCSC Headquarters CPC Party Committee ( Discipline Inspection Commission ) External Liaison Department Organization and Communication Department Fundraising and Finance Deparment Relief and Health Department General Administrative Office (Personnel Department ) Provincial Governments Prefecture-level Governments County-level Government Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps Competent authorities Red Cross Society of China

9 Establish and improve Red Cross emergency rescue system Long-term mechanism of Red Cross emergency rescue training Enhance humanitarian aid capacity of Red Cross Improve the work of non-remunerated blood donation, hematopoietic stem cell donation, and body and organ donation Actively carry out international humanitarian aid and cooperation with Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan The State Council [2012] Document No.25 Five Core Business

10 Disaster Management First AidHumanitarian Aid"Three Donations " Foreign Aid and Cooperation Professional rescue team DP Center Post-disaster reconstruction Rescue training Rescue App "Five Stepping into" Integrated Community Resilience Program (ICR) Blood donation Hematopoietic stem cell donation Body and organ donation Emergency aid Development assistance International cooperation Five Core Business

11 Disaster Management – DPR Center Network 备灾救灾中心网络 DPR Center Network 国家级 National 2个22个2 北京 上海 Beijing, Shanghai 区域 Regional 6个66个6 沈阳、成都 西安、杭州 广州、孝感 Shenyang, Chengdu Xi'an, Hangzhou Guangzhou, Xiaogan 省级 Provincial 25 个 25 地市级 Prefecture level 123 个 123 县级 County level 194 个 194 总计 Togal 350 个 350


13 Search & Rescue Water MedicalMass Sanitation Relief Psyco-social Support Water safetyCommunication 21 ERT Disaster Management-ERT


15 Disaster Management Post-disaster Reconstruction 灾后恢复重建 Post-disaster Reconstruction 2008 年汶川地震 2008 Wenchuan earthquake 民房 People's houses 学校 Schools 卫生院 Health centers 卫生站 Health stations 435386638272531 2013 年雅安庐山地震 2013 Lushan earthquake 农民新村 New villages for farmers 学校 Schools 卫生院 Health centers 备灾仓库 DP warehouses 42 1683

16 First Aid– Training and Mobile APP Trainees in 2013 : 41,396 Paramedics over the nation : 4,084,329

17 17 First Aid School Community Village Enterprise Institution First Aid– Training and Mobile APP

18 Saving of lives – 3 donations Non-remunerated Blood donation Hematopoietic stem cell donation Body and organ donation

19 Blood donation Over 11 million person-times donated blood. More than 99% of blood for clinical use is from blood donation. Hematopoietic stem cell donation China Marrow Donor Program: Member of the Bone Marrow Donors Worldwide and the world largest marrow database 31 provincial branches over the nation, with 1.85 million storage data 4371 volunteers donated hematopoietic stem cells for patients Human organ donation 2073 cases of organ donation 5694 organs were donated. Saving of lives – 3 donations

20 Humanitarian Aid Warmth Delivery Program Red Cross Angel Scheme HIV Prevention and Care Sunshine in Heart Project Project of Supporting the Poor and Saving the Heart Tobacco Control Program Elderly Care Program 68 Nightingale Medaler

21 Prospects : Regard "reducing risks and strenghthening community resilience" as a key factor to push sustainable development. Carry out integrated community programs to improve community management, enhance community capacity, promote community development and strengthen their ability of disaster response and resilience. Contents : Establish grassroots organizations and volunteer teams Construct mitigation facilities according to local conditions Carry out community training of emergency resue and escape from the danger Organize livelihood development

22 World Ma 亚太 Asia-Pacific 中亚 Central Asia 非洲 Africa Challenges vs Opportunities, Reform vs Development

23 黑龙江 Heilongjiang 吉林 Jilin 內蒙古 Inner Mongolia 新疆 Xinjiang 宁夏 Ningxi a 山西 Shanxi 河北 Hebei 甘肃 Gansu 山东 Shandong n 浙江 Zhejiang 福建 Fujian 云南 Yunnan 四川 Sichuan 贵州 Guizhou 湖南 Hunan 江西 Jiangxi 安徽 Anhui 河南 Henan 湖北 Hubei 海南 Hainan 西藏 Tibet 青海 Qinghai 台灣 Taiwan 陕西 Shaanxi 辽宁 Liaoning 重庆 Chongqing 江苏 Jiangsu 21 provinces 527 communities

24 Humanitarian AidDevelopment Assistance Material ICR Human resources trainings Countries351970 countries, 331 persons USD34 million4.45 million2.75 million Emergency humanitarian aid - major disasters and conflicts Development assistance - human resources training, community development project (Africa, Asia and Pacific, Central Asia) Dispatch rescue teams in response to National Societies‘ request from hard-hit nations - the Philippines, Myanmar From 2011 to 2014: USD 42.5 million (RMB 240 million) Foreign Aid and Cooperation


26 November 2014 to aid to the Philippines against Typhoon Haiyan. Searched and settled 53 corpses; Provided medical aid service to 4786 people, and offered health and aid trainings to 14000 people; Established 166 classrooms for 20 local schools, with a total area of 9960 ㎡. Foreign Aid and Cooperation


28 Donated 10,000 family kits to the homeless people of Kachin, Myanmar in March 2014, with total value of RMB 5 million. Foreign Aid and Cooperation

29 Undertook the non-emergency humanitarian aid mission and foreign aid training task from Ministry of Commerce 2009-2010 Asia-Pacific Red Cross Cooperation Forum and Ministerial Seminar's holding marks the establishment of Asia-Pacific dialogue platform with RCSC as a major party 2011 Executive Vice President Zhao visited Afghanistan 2012 2013 Sino-Africa National Societies Section-Head Level Seminar gathered international organizations and enterprises to explore together the cooperation trend and model Hua Jianmin and Zhao Baige visited Fiji and Cambodia 2007-2008 Talked with National Societies from Africa on cooperation for the first time at the IFRC convention hosted in Geneva Wenchuan earthquake RCSC constructed and developed international emergency rescue capacity Investigated in Africa, confirmed the project cooperation communities, and formally launched Sino-Africa community projects. Executive Vice President Zhao attended Pan-African Congress Expert group visited Africa and confirmed the community-oriented cooperative strategy with Africa The first Sino-Africa National Societies Cooperation Forum established a dialogue platform 2014-2016 Asia-Pacific Convention will be hosted in October

30 Meet the challenges, make every effort and forge ahead with determination to build up a strong National Society General objective : Spend 3-5 years, to basically establish a system and mechanism adapted to socialist market economy and international humanitarian principles, and basically complete the construction of a modern social organization that separates government administration from social management, has clear authorities and responsibilities and self-governs in accordance with law. Fully demonstrate its characteristics and functions as an important member of International Red Cross Movement, guarantee and promote RC's role as an auxiliary to the authorities in the humanitarian field, and mobilize the power of humanity to improve the lives of the most vulnerable. Challenges vs Opportunities, Reform vs Development

31 Establish a just and independent modern organization management system with clear positioning and functions, to construct a Red Cross that self- governs according to law; Establish an internal management structure with scientific policy making, smooth implementation and strong supervision, to construct an open and transparent Red Cross; Establish unified and normative core business standards with fine management and scientific evaluation, to construct a professional and efficient Red Cross; Establish a social sources mobilization and allocation machanism which is close to communities, with abundant forms based on voluntary service, to construct a socialized Red Cross; Establish a humanitarian diplomatic system with advanced ideas, strong capacity and broad impact, to construct an internationalized Red Cross. Challenges vs Opportunities, Reform vs Development

32 In August 2012 coordinated the State Council‘s release of the document No. 25 Include the revision of Law of PRC on Red Cross Society being brought into the NPC ’ s legislative agenda (statutory duties, input and management) Launched Red Cross integrated reform Carry out capacity building evaluation at the HQ and provincial level Construction of professional team Improve volunteers work Boost the contruction of informatization Establish and improve supervisory mechanism Strenghthen core business construction in all-round way, and realize new strategic adjustment Challenges vs Opportunities, Reform vs Development

33 Sino-Africa National Societies Cooperative Strategy and the Progress

34 Cooperation prospects Create cooperation model with Chinese characteristics to realize mutual learning and common development with African National Societies. Cooperation model Pay attention to experience exchanges and sharing among individuals. Promote self development ability. Cooperation areas Expand cooperation areas to realize the combination of humanitarian aid and development aid, hardware aid and software aid, and extend from funds and materials aid to community-oriented development aid and training programs. Resources mobilization Build a platform to aggregate resources, so as to form partnership with the government, society, Chinese enterprises in Africa and international organizations. Sino-Africa National Societies Cooperative Strategy

35 RCSC Foreign Aid Strategy Strive for government's support in policies and funds Enterprise Partner Program Bethune International Training Program Sino-Africa National Societies Cooperative Strategy

36 Sino-Africa National Societies President Level Forum in in November 2011, May 2012 and May 2013 Confirming cooperation areas and establishing cooperation platform

37 Project field visit, July 2012

38 Sino-Africa National Societies Strategic Partnership Integrated Community Development Program Construct a community-based platform in three years for Sino-Africa exchange and cooperation and for volunteers to participate in international voluntary activities, with the support of hardware and materials aid, and the core of software, to summarize experience, form a template and popularize it gradually. Facilities construction Constructed small-scale infrastructure projects and facilities that meet the community demand, such as solar energy drinking water system and health stations etc. Materials aid Provided materials aid to improve local life condition according to the community demand, such as hygienic products, teaching appliance, farm tools, medical equipment and medicines etc. Personnel training Appointed international representatives(volunteers) to carry out community-based health and first-aid training, health promotion education, disaster preparedness and mitigation training, livelihood project 。. Exchange activities Invited the staff of RC and government that cover the community and community leaders to attend RCSC foreign aid trainings. Formation of project design September 2012

39 Cooperative contract signing May 2013 Signed strategic cooperative MoU with Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda, reaching the consensus of jointly carrying out integrated development programs at community level.

40 Ethiopia/ Uganda RC Offered aid materials to Uganda CBHFA joint training 40 trainees

41 Sino-Africa Red Cross Partnership Friendship, Cooperation, Win-win

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