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Trends in IPv6 Bill Cerveny Joint-Techs Workshop - Batavia, IL July 17, 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in IPv6 Bill Cerveny Joint-Techs Workshop - Batavia, IL July 17, 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in IPv6 Bill Cerveny Joint-Techs Workshop - Batavia, IL July 17, 2007

2 Outline Motivation IPv6 Past IPv6 Present/Future

3 Motivation A look at what has changed since 2001 A look at the current paradigms in IPv6

4 Heard at a seminar a long time ago Numerous vendors and organizations working on implementations Wide-spread availability of IPv6 within two years IPv4 address depletion sometime between 2005 and 2010

5 Heard at a seminar a long time ago “Ipng: The Next Generation Internet Protocol,” Steve Deering, 1996 Numerous vendors and organizations working on implementations Wide-spread availability of IPv6 within two years IPv4 address depletion sometime between 2005 and 2010

6 Internet2 IPv6 Workshop #1 Lincoln, Nebraska, May 2001 Experimentation with DNS A6 Microsoft introduced IPv6 “Technology Preview” for Windows 2000 Cisco unrolled native IPv6 support in IOS 12.2.2T KAME and USAGI stacks enabled IPv6 in BSD and Linux

7 IPv6 Geographic Provider- Independent Addressing Based on two (now expired) IETF Internet- Drafts by Tony Hain IPv6 address based on longitude/latitude Hain proposed to Internet2 community in January 2003 Internet2 IPv6 Working Group created presentation and lab based on Hain’s I-D Novel idea, many challenges

8 Combined IPv4/IPv6 Routing Table Size Assumes –IPv4 is not going away anytime soon –IPv6 aggregation is not happening Combined routing table could outpace Moore’s Law A major topic of concern within the IETF –Routing Research Group

9 Unique Local Addressing (ULA) RFC 4193 Replaces Site-local addressing Future unclear; controversial

10 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration Practically every IPv6 implementation today supports stateless address autoconfiguration Concerns about security, particularly auditing, among network admins

11 DHCPv6 Has been a long time coming Windows Vista supports DHCPv6 ISC DHCPv6 in alpha (4.0.0a1) dibbler Large scale implementations looking at DHCPv6

12 DHCPv6 and Stateless Address Autoconfiguration Can coexist. Three models: –Stateless Address Autoconfiguration only –Stateless Address Autoconfiguration with DHCPv6 –DHCPv6 only Should a mixed Stateless Address Autoconfiguration / DHCPv6 environment be the norm for technical conferences?

13 Tunneling Technologies Most tunneling technologies perceived as security threats A chicken-and-egg problem: Tunneling may be insecure, but it is one of the easiest ways of fostering IPv6 connectivity among early adopters

14 Tunneling Technologies (2) 6to4 ISATAP Teredo

15 Multi-homing Shim6 Still a work in progress

16 Flow Label A QoSish feature perceived as a feature looking for a future application Still looking for an application

17 Tools Juniper Netflow v9 support coming soon Flowd - Support for both IPv4 and IPv6 Netflow MRTG supports IPv6

18 Acknowledgements Bruce Curtis, North Dakota State University John Brzozowski, Mid-Atlantic IPv6 Task Force Sean Siler, Microsoft

19 References Internet2 IPv6 Working Group –http://ipv6.internet2.edu IPv6 Routing / Routing Research Group – – up up ISC DHCPv6 – – Tools – – –

20 Thanks! –

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