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Practice Quiz 5 Dr. Brasington Good Luck!. 1. 2. 3. 4.

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1 Practice Quiz 5 Dr. Brasington Good Luck!

2 1. 2. 3. 4.

3 5. M yelin-producing neuroglia of the peripheral nervous system are _________. 6. ________ cover the inside of ventricles and form choroid plexuses within the ventricles. 7. ______Surrounds neurons in PNS ganglia and nourishes neurons and regulates chemical environment. 8. What cranial nerve innervates the lungs, heart, and intestines( use Roman numerals and give specific name).

4 9 10 11 12 13

5 14

6 15 16 17

7 18 19 20

8 21 22 23

9 24 25 26

10 Identify from the eye dissection 27 28

11 29 30

12 31. Name the eye test

13 32 33 34 35

14 36 37 38

15 39. Name the spinal nerves tested in the patellar(knee) reflex test.

16 40

17 Answer Key 1. Ventral Roots26. Pituitary 2. Dorsal Root Ganglion27. Vitreous Body 3. Dorsal Horn of gray matter28. Lens 4. Anterior Horn of gray matter29. Lateral Ventricle 5. Schwann Cells30. Basal Ganglia (nuclei) 6. Ependymal Cells31. Snellen Eye Chart 7. Satellite Cells32. Vestibulocochlear nerve VIII(8) 8. Cranial Nerve X(10) Vagus Nerve33. Semicircular Canals 9. Node of Ranvier34. Tympanic Membrane 10. Axon Hillock35. Cochlea 11. Nissl Bodies36. Pinna (Auricle) 12. Neurofibrils37. Auditory Canal 13. Axon38. External Auditory Meatus 14. Pia Mater39. Lumbar 2,3,4 15. Infundibulum40. Interneuron 16. Pituitary Gland 17. Intermediate mass of thalamus 18. Septum Pellucidum 19. Corpus Callosum 20. Arbor Vitae 21. 4 th ventricle 22. Pons 23. Medulla Oblongata 24. Pineal Body 25. Cerebral Aqueduct

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