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Introduction to Tests and Measurements HPHE 3150 Dr. Ayers.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Tests and Measurements HPHE 3150 Dr. Ayers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Tests and Measurements HPHE 3150 Dr. Ayers

2 Terminology Measurement/assessment (collect data) Reliability (≠ valid) Objectivity Validity (requires reliability) Test (instrument/tool) Evaluation (make judgment) Norm-Referenced Standard or Criterion-Referenced Standard Formative or Summative

3 Purposes of Measurement, Testing, and Evaluation Placement Diagnosis Prediction Motivation Achievement Program Evaluation

4 Cognitive Domain (Bloom) Chapter 8 Knowledge 1Knowledge 2Comprehension 3Application 4Analysis 5Synthesis 6Evaluation

5 How do you feel about rumspringa?

6 Other Topics Busing Abortion Apartheid Your major Physical activity Drug use in sport Professional athletes’ salaries

7 Affective Domain (Krathwohl) 1Receiving 2Responding 3Valuing 4Organization 5Characterization by a value complex Chapter 12 Attitudes/Beliefs

8 rumspringa Some Amish groups practice the tradition of rumspringa ("running around")

9 Psychomotor Domain (Harrow) 1.00Reflex movements 2.00Basic-fundamental movements 3.00Perceptual abilities 4.00Physical abilities 5.00Skilled movements 6.00Nondiscursive movements Chapter 11 Movement/Motor

10 Relationships among test, measurement, and evaluation Figure 1.1 3) Make decision 2) Collect data 1) Instrument

11 Using Excel (Appendix A) Entering data Saving documents Formula Wizard Creating/Using basic formulas Pull-down menus EXPLORE!

12 So What? What is the most important thing you learned today? What is the “muddiest” thing from today?

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