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湾里区红星扶轮五湖学校 周红 Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A (1a-2c)

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2 湾里区红星扶轮五湖学校 周红 Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A (1a-2c)

3 Free Talk: 15170020091 QQ:646817518

4 Presentation: Inventors invented. → n. 发明家 v. 发明 inventions n. 发明物 Inventions were invented by inventors. Active Voice: Passive Voice:

5 Let's talk: Q:Which one of them was invented first? A: I think the TV was invented before the car. B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car. 4 2 13 But when were they invented?

6 Listening: Listen and match the inventions with the years. 1b ___ 1876 ___ 1885 ___ 1927 ___ 1971 d a c b

7 Pairwork: 1876, Bell talk with people 1971, Bill Hewlett search for information 1885, Karl Benz drive 1927, Baird relax A: When was the telephone invented? B: It was invented in 1876. A:Who was it invented by? B:It was invented by Bell. A:What ’ s it used for? B:It's used for talking with people.

8 Learn new words: 电 ; 电能 She is scooping by using the scoop. I like the style of the skirt. 样式 ; 款式 v. (用勺子)舀; n. 勺子 O She is wearing high heels. 鞋跟 ; 足跟 The bus runs on electricity.

9 Listening: 2a Listen and number the inventions [1-3] in the order you hear them. 1 2 3

10 Listening: ________ the style of the shoes hot ice-cream scoop seeing _____________ shoes with lights _______ really cold ice-cream shoes with special heels What is it / are they used for? Invention changing in the dark serving 2b2b Listen again complete the chart below. Invention

11 Let’s say: What are they used for?  The shoes with special heels ____________________________________.  The shoes with lights _________________________.  The hot ice-cream scoop ________________________________. Notes:be used for doing sth 被原来做...... are used for changing the style of the shoes are used for seeing in the dark is used for serving really cold ice-cream

12  Name:a cup with 3 legs a bowl with a pot in it  Time:4000 years ago 2500 years ago  User: an emperor the rich  Use:drink wine keep the wine warm A Trip to the History Museum Introduce one of them to a foreigner: e.g.This is… It was invented about… It was used by… It was used for…

13 Let's remember: When we visit a museum, we should follow these rules:  1. Don't touch anything in it.  2. Don't sit on the soldier.  3. Buy a ticket.  4. Don't draw on the wall.  5. Don't spit or litter.  6.... Please be a civilized ( 文明的 ) visitor.

14 Summary: What did we learn today?

15 Let's check : I.Translate. 1) 我认为电视是在汽车之前发明的。 _______________________________________________ 2) 电话是什么时候发明的? ________________________________________ 3) 发明物是发明家发明的 。 _______________________________________ 4) 相机是用来拍照的。 _______________________________________ I think the TV was invented before the car. When was the telephone invented? Inventions were invented by inventors. A camera is used for taking photos.

16 Introduce an invention. 1. Write a passage on it. 2. OR make a conversation on it.


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