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Phenomenology Week 4 Colleen, Isabelle, and Tara.

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1 Phenomenology Week 4 Colleen, Isabelle, and Tara

2 What is phenomenology?  Phenomenology is both a philosophy and a research method.  The purpose of phenomenological research is to describe experiences as they are lived in phenomenological terms (i.e. to interpret the "lived experience" of participants).

3 Philosophical orientation  The researcher views the person as integral with the environment.  The focus of phenomenological research is people's lived experiences and how they interpret these experiences.

4  All phenomenologists agree that there is not a single reality; each individual has his or her own reality.

5 There are two main phenomenological approaches:  Descriptive (eidetic)  Interpretive (hermeneutic)

6 Methodology  The broad question that researchers want to answer is, "What is the meaning of one’s lived experience?” The only reliable source of information to answer this question is the person.

7  Through intensive dialogue, the researcher’s goal is to “understand the meaning of the experience as it is lived by the participant”. (Lobiondo-Wood & Haber, 2009, p. 169).

8  Understanding the lived experience is done by interpreting this dialogue into themes. This method enables the nurse researcher to see the whole of experience and the way in which it makes sense for the participant.


10  Proponents of interpretive phenomenology argue that meanings cannot be adequately captured by empirical or positivistic research calculations. Thus, hermeneutic phenomenology is a valuable tool for nurse researchers (Benner, 1994).


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