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The Johari Window Model Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 To help people understand their interpersonal communication and relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "The Johari Window Model Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 To help people understand their interpersonal communication and relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Johari Window Model Developed by Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955 To help people understand their interpersonal communication and relationships

2 The Johari Window Model

3 Open Pane The IDEAL Window Our public self Things both -you and I - know about ME! Characteristics: high degree of trust, behavior open, open to feedback.

4 Blind Pane Things you know about me but that I am unaware of Ex…irritating habits, qualities you are unable to believe about yourself (food in teeth, bad breath) feelings of inadequacy, incompetence, unworthiness, or rejection) - difficult for individuals to face directly, and yet can be seen by others.

5 Hidden Pane The Façade Things I am aware of, but you do not know Ex…likes/dislikes, sensitivities, fears, private matters, hidden agendas, manipulative intentions, secrets

6 Unknown Pane The turtle things neither of us about me Includes subconscious, things we might have forgotten, and things that are yet to come Ex…information, feelings, latent abilities, aptitudes, the future

7 A typical window TO EXPAND the OPEN PANE: Disclosure: Telling others about myself shrinks hidden Feedback: Asking for input from others shrinks blind pane

8 The ultimate goal of the Johari Window enlarge the Open Area without disclosing information that is too personal. The more your people know about each other, the more productive, cooperative, and effective they'll be when working together. enlarge the Open Area without disclosing information that is too personal. The more your people know about each other, the more productive, cooperative, and effective they'll be when working together.

9 "self-disclosure" give-and-take process - between yourself and the people that you're interacting with. As you share - Open Area expands vertically and your Hidden Area gets smaller As people on your team provide feedback - Open Area expands horizontally, and your Blind Area gets smallerprovide feedback Done well, the process of give and take, sharing, and open communication builds trust within the group. give-and-take process - between yourself and the people that you're interacting with. As you share - Open Area expands vertically and your Hidden Area gets smaller As people on your team provide feedback - Open Area expands horizontally, and your Blind Area gets smallerprovide feedback Done well, the process of give and take, sharing, and open communication builds trust within the group...

10 A Leader’s Role Leaders play an important role in facilitating feedback and disclosure among group members, and in directly giving feedback to individuals about their own blind areas„ Leaders also have a responsibility to promote a culture and expectation for open, honest, positive, constructive communications

11 What it means to a team Effective, solid team when = each member has a strong mutual understanding Members and leaders should strive to increase their open free areas, and to reduce their blind, hidden and unknown areas Discovery through sensitive communications, active listening, and experience will help

12 Questions for your Pod How does the theory behind the Johari window relate to self esteem and self awareness? What is the relationship between communication with others and your own self –esteem? How an you grow the Ideal Window? How does the theory behind the Johari window relate to self esteem and self awareness? What is the relationship between communication with others and your own self –esteem? How an you grow the Ideal Window?

13 The NEXT Step You are going to explain YOUR Johari window! You will also need to ask people to tell you things for your Blind Pane!

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