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Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory Sensor Presentation (4/18/06) Alarm-o-bot Andrew Joseph TAs: Adam Barnett Sara Keen Instructor: A. Arroyo.

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Presentation on theme: "Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory Sensor Presentation (4/18/06) Alarm-o-bot Andrew Joseph TAs: Adam Barnett Sara Keen Instructor: A. Arroyo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Intelligent Machines Design Laboratory Sensor Presentation (4/18/06) Alarm-o-bot Andrew Joseph TAs: Adam Barnett Sara Keen Instructor: A. Arroyo

2 Problem Have you ever had trouble waking up in the morning? Do you hit the snooze button in a daze and just kept right on sleeping. Does this cause you to miss tests, classes, or assignment turnin days?

3 Solution – Alarm-o-Bot Hides itself based on low light intensity and distance parameters. Avoids obstacles in the way. The snooze button must be hit on the Alarm-o-bot to stop alarm. Alarm-o-bot continues to hide itself after each successive snooze.

4 Sensors Types Bump switch – act as snooze button for users to hit CDS sensor – detect light variance (find darkest place in room) IR sensor – obstacle avoidance RF TX/RX pair – communicate between clock and moving robot

5 IR Sensors ADC values range from 500 (about 2.4V - close) to about 50 (about 0.4V - far). Distance measurements viable from 10cm to 80cm

6 CDS Sensors Low resistance in high light, high resistance in low light Voltage divider with 10k resistor provides voltage range from 0V to 5V Sensor with highest voltage points to darkest area in room

7 RF Transmitter/Receiver

8 2400 bps baud rate Operates at 315Mhz -103dbm sensitivity that pulls 3.5mA for 5V operation 10cm wire antenna used for receiver Encoding scheme for transmission through noisy environment


10 Conclusion

11 Questions?

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