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PBS (Positive Behavior Support). “ RISE ” stands for Respect Integrity Safety Excellence What do these words mean to you?

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Presentation on theme: "PBS (Positive Behavior Support). “ RISE ” stands for Respect Integrity Safety Excellence What do these words mean to you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 PBS (Positive Behavior Support)


3 “ RISE ” stands for Respect Integrity Safety Excellence What do these words mean to you?

4 Definitions Respect : the honor that someone gives to another person Integrity : a strong sense of honesty; firmness of moral character. Safety : the condition of being safe from danger. Excellence : the condition of being very good or outstanding.

5 Act it out! Your teacher will assign your group one of the PBS RISE expectations. Your group will create a short skit in which you will be modeling what your assigned expectation looks and sounds like in the classroom. Act out the roles of students and teacher! Be creative and have fun!

6 Turn to page 13 in your planners.


8 “To the Right” Campaign


10 consequences 1st time student not meeting expectations – Verbal warning and call home. 2nd time student not meeting expectations – 1 day of class/lunch detention and call home. 3rd time student not meeting expectations – 3 days of lunch detention and call home. 4th time student not meeting expectations – 1 hour after school (Wednesday) detention and call home. 5th time student not meeting expectations – Discipline referral and a call home.

11 PBS PLEDGE Today, I will … RISE I will be RESPECTFUL, act with INTEGRITY, behave SAFELY, and strive for EXCELLENCE. Spartans will RISE to achieve our goals! Copy the RISE pledge into your planners on page 14.

12 What will you RISE to accomplish in your life? A goal is the result, desire or achievement toward which effort is directed. On page 14 in your planner, write down a personal goal that you have outside of school. Explain the steps (at least 3) that you can take to achieve that goal.

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