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Warm up Take out a sheet of paper. Put your name on it with todays date. Prepare for a 3 question quiz from your assigned reading homework (page 607)

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up Take out a sheet of paper. Put your name on it with todays date. Prepare for a 3 question quiz from your assigned reading homework (page 607)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up Take out a sheet of paper. Put your name on it with todays date. Prepare for a 3 question quiz from your assigned reading homework (page 607)

2 Quiz----you have 10 min to complete What does the Dec. of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen say about equality? How did the treatment of women during the revolution differ from the Dec’s goal? Do you think women around the world will gain rights or lose rights in the future? Why?

3 The Republic An extreme government changed French society and tried through harsh means to eliminate its critics within France. How and why?

4 Review In 1792, the radical representatives were in charge of the National Convention. The constitutional monarchy came to a violent end, and France became a republic.

5 Leaders Marat –Sansculottes, advocate of violence Danton –Compromiser Robespierre –Dedicated radical

6 Executions King put to death by guillotine Europeans reacted with horror –Revolution savagery condemned WHY?

7 Tightening Control Committee of Public Safety set up to manage military defense Drafted all able-bodied men between 18 and 45 for service Established the Revolutionary Tribunal to protect the Revolution

8 Transforming Society Leaders wanted to erase connections to old ways of life Clergy members lost positions; churches closed in Paris Robespierre created the cult of the Supreme Being Metric system was introduced

9 Course of Revolution – Counterrevolution – Reign of Terror An Outbreak of Civil War – devoutly Catholic – Peasants Accusations and Trials

10 No Escape from the Terror Death by Guillotine –40,000 executed in 10 months –Danton and Robespierre After the terror –France started over with new constitution in 1795 –Voting limited to property owners – Power vacuum

11 Napoleon’s Europe In groups of 3 you are to teach the class your assigned section. The class will take active notes. Failure to participate will result in a “0”, bounced from class and a call home. Pages 608-619

12 Groups 1.Patience, Akaya, Brian 2.Mathew, Elizabeth, Carlos 3.Mia, An, Nathaniel 4.Briana, Judith, Yahira 5.Michelle, Tre’Shawn, Cairo 6.Blake, Johnathan, Priscilla, Keilani

13 Home Work 614-619 Review chapters 18-20 Unit test next week

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