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Overview of the Central Cluster Partnership: The scope, progresses and way forward N2Africa Partnership Meeting 16 September,2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of the Central Cluster Partnership: The scope, progresses and way forward N2Africa Partnership Meeting 16 September,2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of the Central Cluster Partnership: The scope, progresses and way forward N2Africa Partnership Meeting 16 September,2015 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Sofiya Kassa Debre Zeit Agricultural Research Center Eyerusalem Regassa Oromia Region Coordinator SNV

2  Partnership objectives  The scope of the partnership  Progresses  The way forward Presentation Outline

3 Strategic Objectives of the Partnership  Fostering long-term sustainability of Knowledge transfer Technology dissemination-> Adoption Efficient input supply chains Market linkages

4  Partners and role mapping  Focus crop (legume)  Geographical area coverage  Total beneficiaries across the partnership period The scope

5 The Scope: Key partners

6 The Scope: Role mapping Designing and Facilitation of partnership s Technical support M&E Grants and leverage resources Evidence generation M&E, communicati on Technical support Develop extension materials Liaise with other VC partners Trainings on legume business, accounting and financing Support technology disseminati on, Facilitate the use of MIS, Supply inoculant s Trainings on inoculant applicatio ns, handling, storage & distributi on Multiply effective strains Input distributio n Grain bulking and marketing Grain buyer Mobilizing farmers Grain buyer, Seed access (ACOS variety) Suppor t training s on grain quality & grading Communication & coordination

7 The Scope: Beneficiary farmers  Targeting Adea and Gimbichu-Erer union Illu, tole and becho woreda –Becho union 30 demonstration and 100 adaptation trials were planned to establish Each demos will have 40 framers in cluster All targeted farmers are members of farmers cooperative unions Target to address 3100 farmers

8  Key achievements: in terms of the four pillars  Capacity Development  Dissemination  Input Supply  Market linkages  Major challenges and opportunities Partnership Progresses

9  Capacity Development  Trainings has been given to 313 (41 Female) farmers, 6 development agents, 6 experts, 4 Union staff and 3 CPA on chickpea agronomy, bio-fertilizer, chemical dressing and improved extension approaches  Technical training was conducted in collaboration among Becho farmers cooperative union, SNV/C4C, DARC, Acos, MBI.  Becho union and SNV/C4C in collaboration with BoA have mobilized farmers and coordinated the training  Prior communication between partners led timely presence of all responsible representative on training site. Partnership Progresses

10  Dissemination  Among the targeted 30 demonstration and100 adaptation trials 18 demo’s and 92 adaptation trials were conducted at Adea and Gimbichu woredas  All the selected farmers were members of farmers cooperatives  Demos were established by DZARC in collaboration with Erer farmers cooperative union and BoA  At Adea and Gimbichu farmers mobilization were mainly done by Erer union and BoA  DZARC, Adea and Gimbichu BoA were the main actors in data collection Partnership Progresses…cont’d

11  Input Supply  600 kg of improved chickpea seed (Arerti), 250 kg of fertilizer and inoculants were distributed for the demos and adaptation trials  Input distribution was done in collaboration with respected woreda BoA  Chickpea inoculants were supplied by MBI while fertilizer was supplied by Becho Weliso fertilizer factory  Based on the contractual agreement with buyer –Acos Ethiopia – 230qt Acos Dube seed is dressed and supplied to member five pcs by Becho union Partnership Progresses…cont’d

12  Market linkages  Business arrangement b/n Becho & Acos Ethiopia PLC for production & supply of Acos dube buyer /Acos Ethiopia Plc render impeded services like agronomy & business services,Becho union provide input & aggregate output Partnership Progresses…cont’d

13 Major challenges and opportunities  Challenges The rainfall distribution Weak collaboration among various partners Late release of budget particularly for the demos and adaptation trial establishment Vehicle Human resource  Opportunities The presence of farmers cooperatives and union Farmers motivation and willingness in accepting the technology

14 Way forward Partnership collaboration has to be strengthen with clear role Continuous monitoring and evaluation Impact assessment


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