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Chapter 19 Section 3 Balkanize became part of the English language in 1918. This term is used to describe the events that took place on the Balkan peninsula.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19 Section 3 Balkanize became part of the English language in 1918. This term is used to describe the events that took place on the Balkan peninsula."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19 Section 3 Balkanize became part of the English language in 1918. This term is used to describe the events that took place on the Balkan peninsula after WWII. Balkanize- to break up into small mutually hostile political units Today, the Balkan peninsula nations have a very similar past. They all fell under communist control after WWII. They all led anti-communist revolutions and then all fought for their own independence. Their past is the only thing they share because internal strife, ethnic differences, and conflict has greatly affected these nations to war against each other and split into the SEPARATE political units (countries) they are today.

2 Romania Religion: Eastern Orthodox Language: Latin Fertile soil, broad plains, Danube River, Carpathian Mts in the North Communism led them to economic ruin. Economy so bad that it is predicted that in 2025 the economy won’t even be as good as the worst economy in the countries history. There is hope… AMERICAN soft drink makers spent 150 Million to build operations in Romania. Bringing 25,000 jobs to the country Allowing entrepreneurs- go-getter individuals who start and build a business, to make small fortunes selling and producing goods for the soft drink industry Also set up the Multiplier Effect- the effect an investment has in multiplying related jobs throughout an economy. What Jobs might be needed or created by selling soft drinks?

3 Bulgaria Garden of Eastern Europe Fertile soil, Danube Plains, Balkan Mts Warm Summers and Mild winters Slavic people like Russia and did not mind communism, but communism led to rough times and they revolted. Today, they have a democratic government. Economy struggled finding a market after the communist revolt, but is starting to turn around thanks to tourism on the Black Sea.

4 Albania Europe’s Hermit: Mountainous Nation Because of its distinct culture, Albanians have always felt threatened by its neighbors. The revolt against communism left Albania one of the poorest nations in Europe. Albanians earn less than $100 dollars a month. Italian and Greek manufactures have built factories and taken advantage of the low wages. Do you think manufacturers building factories in Albania so they can have cheap labor is morally right?

5 Yugoslavia The most complex new nation created at the end of WWI. Common Slavic heritage did NOT produce unity. It led to 6 SEPARATE republics (all with different ethnic backgrounds and opinions). After communist government ended, tensions increased and the republics set up their own nations.

6 Serbia & Montenegro After the other republics Yugoslavia for their own nation. Today, they are two separate countries. Geography: Montenegro: rugged mts Serbia: fertile plains of the Danube valley (extensive farming) Industries of both nations are poorly developed. The break-up of Yugoslavia led to high unemployment of 50%, but in the mid 1990’s they began to recover. Ethnic and political tension still threatens economic stability.

7 Croatia There are 2 groups in the region of Croatia. The Croats are ¾ of the population and are Roman Catholic and have a Latin alphabet. The Serbs are in small numbers and are Eastern Orthodox and have a Cyrillic alphabet. The Serbs want freedom and it is just not achievable, so there is tension. Slovenia Geography: Julian Alps Remained close to Western Europe Industrial development emerged early in Slovenia’s history. Because of this they were able to recover quickly from the communist revolts.

8 Bosnia-Herzegovina Won its independence in 1991 Looked to have a rough time with 30% Serbs, 20% Croats, and 50% Muslims After the communist revolt war erupted and peace treaties failed. The region was broke into 2 parts. Civil war made the nation poor. Only outside aid helped its people stay alive. NATO sent more than 1 million dollars in food and medicine. If a peace treaty would work the nation’s economy would rise and do well off of it’s many natural resources. zinc, manganese, bauxite, lead, and iron ore

9 Macedonia Macedonia remained calm after the communist revolt. Although it has not been in conflict, the conflict of surrounding nations has hurt trade and therefore hurt Macedonia’s economy. Language has become an issue as of late and it continues to be a problem.

10 Kosovo In the 1990’s tensions rose as the Serbian Government ended self rule and protesters hit the streets. Guerrilla warfare broke out and NATO got involved. After several attempts at peace NATO decided to bomb

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