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Presentation on theme: "Poetry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry

2 Do You What These Words Mean?
Repetition Speaker Visualize Figurative language Idioms Syllables Rhyme Rhythm/meter Simile Compare/contrast Boom! Synonym/antonym Sensory words Stanza Line Parts of speech theme

3 Two Poems Some People People Charlotte Zolotow
Isn’t it strange some people make You feel so tired inside, Your thoughts begin to shrivel up Like leaves all brown and dried! But when you’re with some other ones, It’s stranger still to find Your thoughts as thick as fireflies All shiny in your mind! Rachel Field People Some people talk and talk and never say a thing. Some people look at you a And birds begin to sing. Some people laugh and laugh And yet you want to cry. Some people touch your hand And music fills the sky. Charlotte Zolotow

4 Your thoughts begin to shrivel up Like leaves all brown and dried!
What is this phrase an example of? a simile a stanza an idiom a poem What is being compared in the lines above? A Like and all B. brown and dried C. shrivel and dried thoughts and leaves Which group of words from the poem “People” refers to sound? look, begin, want Talk, sing, music Thing, birds,, touch Sky, people, hand

5 Your thoughts as thick as fireflies All shiny in your mind!
What do these lines mean? A. Some people make your thoughts dull and boring. B. Some people make you think about shiny things. C. Some people make you think many exciting things. D..Some people make your thoughts sad and fearful. What part of speech is the word firefly?

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