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Think about a typical day in your life… How many times in a day do you use water? Make a list of all of the ways in which you use water.

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Presentation on theme: "Think about a typical day in your life… How many times in a day do you use water? Make a list of all of the ways in which you use water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Think about a typical day in your life… How many times in a day do you use water? Make a list of all of the ways in which you use water.

2 You are about to watch a video giving some information about a program called “Quarters for Waters.”

3 Would you want to shower in this water? How would you feel about drinking this water?

4 As of March of 2011, we have received word that the pond in this video is now dry. Students and their families now have to depend on a government truck to supply water each day.



7 Before watching this video, Did you ever think about how hard it could be to get water?


9 Write down your best guesses to the following questions…

10 How many gallons of water go down the drain each time you brush your teeth?

11 How many gallons of water are used when you flush your toilet one time?

12 Each time you brush your teeth, you use about 4 gallons of water. Each time you flush the toilet, you use about 3 gallons of water.

13 Estimates vary, but each person uses about 80-100 gallons of water per day. Are you surprised that the largest use of household water is to flush the toilet, and after that, to take showers and baths?

14 Many people in the world are forced to exist on 3 gallons of water per day- sometimes even less!!!

15 What do you think are the harmful effects of drinking unclean water?

16 According to UNICEF, polluted water and lack of basic sanitation claim the lives of over 1.5 million children every year, mostly from water-borne diseases.

17 How can you help? Wear a hat… that’s all it takes!

18 On Friday, March 25 th Pay $1.00 to your homeroom teacher and you can wear a hat to school for the entire day. You will receive a pass to keep with you for the day.

19 The best part… All the money raised goes straight to Quarters for Water to help students just like you drink clean water!

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