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NEXT 15 20 25 510 Light Sound Define Uses Sources 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five Team Six.

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9 15 20 25 510 Light Sound Define Uses Sources 5 5 5 5 10 15 20 25 20 Team One Team Two Team Three Team Four Team Five Team Six

10 Light Question for 5 Points What is light? Show Answer

11 Light Answer for 5 Points A type of energy we can see. Back to Board

12 Light Question for 10 Points What colours are being absorbed when light touches a black curtain? Show Answer

13 Light Answer for 10 Points All of them Back to Board

14 Light Question for 15 Points Which paper is best for reflecting light? Black, red, or white. Show Answer

15 Light Answer for 15 Points White Back to Board

16 Light Question for 20 Points What does a prism do to light? Show Answer

17 Light Answer for 20 Points It separates the colours of light by bending them all a different amount. Back to Board

18 Light Question for 25 Points If we point a light at the wall, and Mr. H stands in front of it, why do we see his shadow? Show Answer

19 Light Answer for 25 Points The light that Mr. H is blocking cannot move around him. Back to Board

20 Sound Question for 5 Points Name two properties of sound. Show Answer

21 Sound Answer for 5 Points Caused by vibrations, travels in waves, reflects, can be modified, can be absorbed Back to Board

22 Sound Question for 10 Points What is sound? Show Answer

23 Sound Answer for 10 Points A type of energy we can hear. Back to Board

24 Sound Question for 15 Points How is the sound of a persons voice made? Show Answer

25 Sound Answer for 15 Points The larynx(voice box) vibrates when air is pushed through it. Back to Board

26 Sound Question for 20 Points What are we describing when we discuss how high or low a sound is? Show Answer

27 Sound Answer for 20 Points Pitch Back to Board

28 Sound Question for 25 Points What is happening to the vibrations of a loud sound? Show Answer

29 Sound Answer for 25 Points The vibrations are getting bigger. Back to Board

30 Definitions Question for 5 Points This is the part of the ear that vibrates when sound is detected. Show Answer

31 Definitions Answer for 5 Points Ear drum Back to Board

32 Definitions Question for 10 Points This is what is produced when light is bent as it passes through raindrops. Show Answer

33 Definitions Answer for 10 Points Rainbow Back to Board

34 Definitions Question for 15 Points This is what is used to measure pitch. Show Answer

35 Definitions Answer for 15 Points Hertz Back to Board

36 Definitions Question for 20 Points This is a type of light bulb known for using less power and shining at cooler temperatures. Show Answer

37 Definitions Answer for 20 Points LED Lights Back to Board

38 Definitions Question for 25 Points This is what is used to measure volume. Show Answer

39 Definitions Answer for 25 Points Decibels Back to Board

40 Uses Question for 5 Points This device is uses sound to listen to your heartbeat. Show Answer

41 Uses Answer for 5 Points Stethoscope Back to Board

42 Uses Question for 10 Points How does an automatic door work? Show Answer

43 Uses Answer for 10 Points It uses a photocell to sense your shadow. Back to Board

44 Uses Question for 15 Points What is it called when a doctor uses sound to see an unborn baby? Show Answer

45 Uses Answer for 15 Points Ultrasound Back to Board

46 Uses Question for 20 Points What does a DVD player use to read a DVD? Show Answer

47 Uses Answer for 20 Points Laser Back to Board

48 Uses Question for 25 Points Name the device used in our school library to sign out books. Show Answer

49 Uses Answer for 25 Points Barcode reader Back to Board

50 Sources Question for 5 Points The Moon Show Answer

51 Sources Answer for 5 Points Reflected Back to Board

52 Sources Question for 10 Points Television Show Answer

53 Sources Answer for 10 Points Articifial Back to Board

54 Sources Question for 15 Points Smartboard Show Answer

55 Sources Answer for 15 Points Artificial Back to Board

56 Sources Question for 20 Points Fire Show Answer

57 Sources Answer for 20 Points Natural Back to Board

58 Sources Question for 25 Points The Sun Show Answer

59 Sources Answer for 25 Points Natural Back to Board

60 Show Question

61 “Big Points” Question Describe the full process of how the ear detects sound. There are 5 points that should be in your answer. Show Answer 302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321

62 Big Points Answer 1)Vibrations enter the outer ear 2)Travels down the ear canal 3)Contacts the ear drum 4)The ear drum vibrates small bones in the inner ear 5)The small bones send a message to the brain. Back to Board

63 Big Board Facts © 2010 Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved. All Clipart copyright– All Rights Reserved. Some images have been modified from original This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of the author. For even more template games and great resources visit: By using this game you are agreeing to our terms of use.terms of use End

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