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Gary A Glatzmaier University of California, Santa Cruz Direct simulation of planetary and stellar dynamos I. Methods and results.

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Presentation on theme: "Gary A Glatzmaier University of California, Santa Cruz Direct simulation of planetary and stellar dynamos I. Methods and results."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gary A Glatzmaier University of California, Santa Cruz Direct simulation of planetary and stellar dynamos I. Methods and results

2 Solar interior (anelastic models) Gilman, Miller Glatzmaier Miesch, Clune, Brun, Toomre, … Earth’s fluid outer core (mostly Boussinesq models) Zhang, Busse, … Kageyama, … Glatzmaier, Roberts Jones, … Kuang, Bloxham Kida, … Tilgner, Busse, … Christensen, Olson, Glatzmaier Sakuraba, Kono Aubert, Cardin, Dormy, … Katayama, … Hollerbach Livermore Hejda, Reshetnyak Giant planet interiors (mostly Boussinesq models) Glatzmaier Sun, Schubert Busse, … Christensen, … Aurnou, Olson, … Stanley, Bloxham



5 Ra = (convective driving) / (viscous and thermal diffusion) Ek = (viscous diffusion) / (Coriolis effects) Pr = (viscous diffusion) / (thermal diffusion) q = (thermal diffusion) / (magnetic diffusion) Ro c = (Ra/Pr) 1/2 Ek = (convective driving) / (Coriolis effects) = N/  if stable Re = (fluid velocity) / (viscous diffusion velocity) Rm = (fluid velocity) / (magnetic diffusion velocity) Ro = (fluid velocity) / (rotational velocity) Ro m = (Alfven velocity) / (rotational velocity)

6 Numerical method - poloidal / toroidal decomposition of momentum density and magnetic field - spherical harmonics and Chebyshev polynomials - spectral transform method, Chebyshev collocation and a semi-implicit time integration - parallel (MPI)

7 Brun, Miesch, Toomre Solar dynamo model Anelastic with  bot  top  30  0.125   4 Ra = 8x10 4 Ek = 10 -3 Ro c = (g  T/D) 1/2 / 2  = 0.7 Spatial resolution: 128 x 512 x 1024 Re = 10 2 Rm = 4x10 2 Ro = 10 -1

8 Brun, Miesch, Toomre Radial velocity

9 Brun, Miesch, Toomre Enstrophy

10 Brun, Miesch, Toomre Radial magnetic field

11 Brun, Miesch, Toomre Toroidal magnetic field

12 Brun, Miesch, Toomre Anelastic Solar dynamo simulation Differential rotation and meridional circulation

13 Poloidal magnetic field Brun, Miesch, Toomre

14 Glatzmaier, Roberts Geodynamo model Anelastic with  bot  top  1.2    1   700 (with hyperdiffusion) Ra 2x10 -6 Ro c = (g  T/D) 1/2 / 2  = 0.002 or    1   1 (with  too small or, ,  all too large) Spatial resolution: 65 x 32 x 64 Re < 1 Rm < 7x10 2 Ro = 2x10 -6



17 Geodynamo simulation Differential rotation is a thermal wind

18 Inner core super-rotation with gravitational coupling between inner core and mantle



21 Dipole moment Pole latitude kyrs



24 Glatzmaier Jovian dynamo model Anelastic with  bot  top  27  0.01 (  and  are constants)   1 in deep (metallic) region and up to 0.001 in the upper (molecular) region Internal heating proportional to pressure Solar heating at surface Ra = 10 8 Ek = 10 -6 Ro c = (g  T/D) 1/2 / 2  = 0.1 Spatial resolution: 289 x 384 x 384 Re = 10 4 Rm > 10 4 Ro = 10 -2

25 Longitudinal velocity

26 Entropy In equatorial plane viewed from northern hemisphere

27 Kinetic energy In equatorial plane viewed from northern hemisphere

28 Magnetic energy In equatorial plane viewed from northern hemisphere

29 Longitudinal velocity In equatorial plane viewed from northern hemisphere

30 Anelastic Glatzmaier Jupiter dynamo simulations shallow deep Longitudinal flow

31 Zonal winds

32 Radial magnetic field


34 Current 3D global MHD dynamo models for the Earth, Jupiter and the sun Many differences: dimension, mass, rotation rate, equation of state, heat flux, force balance, energy balance, differential rotation, magnetic reversals Model shortcomings: low resolution large diffusivities laminar flow (Boussinesq) Possible similarities in toroidal field generation: Earth @ ICB / tangent cylinder Sun @ tachocline Jupiter @ hydrogen phase transition

35 Challenges for the next generation of global dynamo models high spatial resolution in 3D small diffusivities turbulent flow density stratification gravity waves in stable regions phase transitions massively parallel computing improved numerical methods anelastic equations sub-grid scale models

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