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AMERICA. OSCAR /ACADEMY AWARD Award Suit Bow tieCurtain Gold Statue Face.

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4 Award Suit Bow tieCurtain Gold Statue Face


6 Animal? Lion Elephant Tiger Hyena Specially constructed Water tank 專門建造的水箱 A Director of movies Lifeboat 救生艇

7 QUESTIONS 1.What animal(s) was(were) on the boat with the boy? 2.How many times has Ang Lee won the award? 3.Who did he beat for the award? 4.What was the name of Ang Lee’s other award winning movie? 5.How many awards did his film receive in total? 6.Why was this award controversial? 7.When was the film broadcast live? 8.What needed to be specially built? 9.Why was the film good for Taiwan people? 10.What has happened if people are found on a lifeboat? Bengal tiger Orangutan, zebra, hyena Twice/ two times Steven Spielberg Brokeback mountain Ben Affleck and Katheryn Bigelow were left out Water tank National pride & jobs Their ship is sinking / has sunk Four Feb 25

8 WORD BANK 1.Won Triumph 贏得勝利 2.Academy Award 學院獎 ( 別稱 :Oscar ) 3.Director 導演 4.Trapped 受困的 5.Prize 獎 6.Garner 蓄積 7.Fantasy 奇幻作品 8.Trapped 無法逃脱 9.Favoured 受到喜愛的 10.Second/ multiple times 很多次 11.Honour 榮譽 12.Additional 額外 13.Cinema 電影院 14.Film 電影 15.Original 原作 16.Pulling in 收入 17.Category 類別 18.Most Controversial 最受爭議 19.Left out 冷落 20.Incredible 難以置信的 21.Journey 旅程 22.Blockbuster of film 巨作 23.Live (broadcast) 實況 24.Electrified 觸電的 / 受到驚訝 25.Intense 激烈 / 非常的 26.Pride 驕傲 27.Majority 多數 28.Construct 建造 29.Water tank 水槽 30.Important 重要

9 STRINGS GAME The group must say it out loud The next group must say their word And then say their own Start with a word,

10 STRINGS GAME Apple Apple, girl Apple, girl, food Apple, girl, food, bus

11 STRING GAME Here is a list of words from the story. 1.Won 2.Triumph 3.Award 4.Prize 5.Best 6.Fantasy 7.Youth 8.Trapped 9.Favoured 10.Mountain 11.Honour 12.Cinema 13.Film 14.Tiger 15.Lifeboat 16.Director 17.Majority 18.Category 19.Controversial 20.Believe 21.Story 22.Share 23.Incredible 24.Journey 25.Surprise 26.Watched 27.Intense 28.Electrified 29.Pride 30.Water tank 31.Jobs 32.Constructed 33.Nature 34.Watched 35.Broadcast 36.Early 37.Worked 38.Total 39.Additional 40.Multiple 41.Garnered

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