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Traffic Signs Part Two. What do these 2 signs tell you?

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Presentation on theme: "Traffic Signs Part Two. What do these 2 signs tell you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Traffic Signs Part Two

2 What do these 2 signs tell you?

3 Should you be driving fast or driving slowly when you come to this sign?

4 Why is the speed limit 20 mph?

5 What does this sign tell you?

6 What special type of pedestrian crossing is this?

7 What type of road is ahead?

8 What does this sign tell you?

9 How do you know this is a “No Passing” area?

10 Does a left turn have the right of way?

11 What do these signs tell you?

12 What does this sign tell you?


14 When would you use this center lane?

15 What is this pavement marking?

16 What do these markings tell you?

17 What are these markings?

18 Why is the curb yellow?

19 What do these markings tell you?

20 Does this vehicle have to yield?

21 Does the traffic coming around the curve have to stop?

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