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How to get good grades And not bore people at the same time…

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2 How to get good grades And not bore people at the same time…

3 Caution PowerPoint especially the new version has cool bells and whistles! Be careful they can take away from your presentation!

4 Bear in Mind Content is important Becareful of flashy backgrounds What do you want people to know What do you want people to see Timing Voice/Conversation Requirements Reading Tools ?

5 Content is important When you do a presentation the most important thing to keep in mind is what you want the people to know – remember that you have their attention for a short period of time and if you fill the slide with text and choose not to put only what is important you will loose your audience. Once you loose your audience you will not get them back… (see what I mean?)

6 Flashy Backgounds Fun to look at Can draw attention to main points Can be distracting Can even be painful Watch the background/text colour

7 What do you want people to know Important information needs assistance to stick out Get and KEEP attention on the key points Use bold, colour, text features

8 What do you want people to see Your perspective Visuals should be connected Do not overwhelm with visuals Sell your ideas

9 Timing You have their attention for about 10 minutes – more than that and they’re thinking about anything else Over/Under Time allotted

10 Voice/Conversation Monotone not wanted Too expressive will not grab Balance Meaningful questioning Thinking time/response Not all answers all the time

11 Requirements Remember the purpose Make sure all required content is there Review targets/intent indicators of mastery

12 Reading DO NOT READ THE SCREEN AND CALL IT A PRESENTATION Anyone can read the screen You are there to present

13 Tools Humour (Where appropriate) Text Features Connections and context Visuals


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