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ELENA: Commissioning & operation ELENA beam commissioning Operation 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD1.

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Presentation on theme: "ELENA: Commissioning & operation ELENA beam commissioning Operation 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELENA: Commissioning & operation ELENA beam commissioning Operation 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD1

2 General planning 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD2

3 General installation planning 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD3

4 Commissioning key dates (baseline) So far and imminent: AD ejection line modification & validation: completed / in operation Kicker pulse generators tested Ion source installation & initial tests: completed Ion source & Ion switch commissioning: early 2016 (Feb/Mars.) 1:st part of AD to ELENA transfer line: could this be done during 2016 AD start-up ?(April.) EPC/Vacuum ? 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD4

5 Beam commissioning key dates (baseline) ELENA ring HW installation & tests completed by 5/7/2016 – All equipment tested incl. controls/SW Ring commissioning with Ions & Pbars (ppm) 5/7 – 14/11 2016; ~ 4 months. Pbar shift plan with AD users Ion operation could continue >14/11 if compatible with shutdown work 2016 physics run ends 14/11, by this date we will know more about: – Deceleration efficiency – Beam cooling performance – Emittances – Lifetime => decision point for new ejection line installation 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD5

6 ELENA setting-up 1 100 keV protons @ 1 Hz, ring in normal polarity & reverse direction: – Finalise set up of xfer line from source: need BTV:s, BPM – First injections & circulating beam: need ring BPM:s, tune msmnt, Schottky system – Orbit/tune/coupling/chromaticity: validation of systems, corrections: need RF – Acceptance check/studies: need scraper system – Lifetime/blow-up rates – Lattice validation with orbit response msmnts – Study effects of e-cooler solenoids – Acceleration tests & ramp corrections: further RF setup needed incl. B-train – Repeat at intermediate & top plateau 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD6

7 ELENA setting-up 2 100 keV H- @ 1 Hz, ring in normal polarity & normal direction: – Set-up e-cooler – If H- lifetime is too short: use protons, ring in reverse polarity & normal direction, additional corrections might be necessary later for pbar operation due to remanence effects – Recombination detection (protons), additional tool for alignment/tuning – Extensive use of scraper system for profile and emittance msmnts – Schottky analysis for long. Emittances – Cooling time studies – Lifetime/blow-up rates 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD7

8 ELENA setting-up 3 100 keV protons or H- @ 1 Hz, ring in reverse or normal polarity & normal direction: – Initial setting-up of the extraction and ejection lines (only short sections installed at this stage for main and GBAR lines) – Need u-wire monitors + high sensitivity intensity msmnt pickup in lines 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD8

9 ELENA setting-up 4 5.3 MeV pbars @.01 Hz, ring in normal polarity & normal direction: – Set-up transfer line from AD : need BTV, GEM, TFA7049, BPM. (optics validation) – RF synchro s-u for bunch to bucket transfer – Ramp studies: orbits, tunes, slope – Further e-cooler set-up – Set-up of nominal cycle; obtain nominal emittances – Bunched beam cooling @ extraction 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD9

10 ELENA setting-up 5 Further studies with pbars: Space charge studies on higher intensity bunches (extraction on lower harmonics); compatibility with ejection lines Deceleration efficiency > 60% ? Synthetic B-train, validation for use in regular operation => ELENA ring commission complete – ~4 months total time available – Overly optimistic ? 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD10

11 ELENA setting-up 6 New transfer lines: 18/8 – 10/10 2017 100 keV pbars or H- – Setting-up of ~ 100m electrostatic xfer lines – u-wire “semi-non-destructive” profile monitors – Set-up of deflectors used for fast switching between experiments – Set-up of beam request/distribution SW/HW 2 months available 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD11

12 Operation Sequencing 1/3  Based on ADE sequencing concepts  ELENA will have a virtual super cycle  ELENA cycle can be: Coupled to the Production Chain (beam from ADE) Standalone mode (beam from source)  Goals  Optimize the beam request in the beam production chain  Maximize the beam availability for experiments  Maximize the MD beams  Bunches destination «On Demand» and prioritized ELENA Project Review - S.Pasinelli CERN BE/OP12/11/2015

13 Sequencing 2/3 12/11/2015ELENA Project Review - S.Pasinelli CERN BE/OP

14 Sequencing 3/3 12/11/2015ELENA Project Review - S.Pasinelli CERN BE/OP

15 Bunches Extraction Timings 12/11/2015ELENA Project Review - S.Pasinelli CERN BE/OP

16 Constrains No more action on the ADE from experiments Enable/disable extraction kicker Static settings in the Common Transfer Lines 12/11/2015ELENA Project Review - S.Pasinelli CERN BE/OP

17 Operation Manpower Commissioning (immediately after AD start-up): – Op-team will work from ACR – AD start-up/operation + ELENA commissioning in 2016 – 2 shifts per day can be covered, (weekends) by team of 7/8 – Eq. specialists will also participate (EN, TE, BE/ABP etc.) – External help is welcome, discussions underway. Once AD/ELENA operational stability obtained: – Machine supervisor from BE/AD/OP team will look after the machines during day-time and be on-call on weekly basis 24h/24, 7d/7 – BE/OP/PS section will do routine operation + initial troubleshooting from the ccc during nights and weekends – Equipment groups ensure “piquet” or best-effort coverage – Note: yearly AD start-ups are very time-consuming, with ELENA even more so 12/11/2015T.Eriksson CERN BE/OP/AD17

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