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11/4/15 Do Now: - Take out your Catcher books and something to write with Homework: - Read Chapter 21 in “Catcher” - Dialectical Journal (Chapters 8- 14)

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Presentation on theme: "11/4/15 Do Now: - Take out your Catcher books and something to write with Homework: - Read Chapter 21 in “Catcher” - Dialectical Journal (Chapters 8- 14)"— Presentation transcript:

1 11/4/15 Do Now: - Take out your Catcher books and something to write with Homework: - Read Chapter 21 in “Catcher” - Dialectical Journal (Chapters 8- 14) Due Wednesday 11/4 by 11:59pm - “Beyond Raging Hormones” Due Friday - Extension Activity Due 11/13 Content Objective: Content Objective: Students will read the informational article to find the most relevant evidence to support the claim. Language Objective: Language Objective: Students will annotate the text using the annotation guidelines and record the most relevant evidence on the graphic organize.

2 Monday: Dialectical Journal Work Tuesday: SUPERINTENDENTS CONFERNCE DAY Wednesday: Beyond Raging Hormones Thursday: Review Catcher Friday: Informational Article *Finish Catcher next week* Looking Ahead :

3 CLAIM: Adolescents are more likely to be involved in risky behavior because of the way their brains develop. Directions: Choose the most relevant pieces of textual evidence from the Harvard Mental Health Letter- Beyond Raging Hormones, and The Catcher in the Rye, to support the claim above. Beyond Raging HormonesThe Catcher in the Rye Textual evidence to support the claim How does this evidence support the claim? Textual evidence to support the claim How does this evidence support the claim?

4 1) Independent Reading – by the windows 2) Read with a partner – along the back wall 3) Read with Mr. Brill or Ms. Cip Three Ring Reading Three Ring Reading:

5 CLAIM: Adolescents are more likely to be involved in risky behavior because of the way their brains develop. Directions: Choose the most relevant pieces of textual evidence from the Harvard Mental Health Letter- Beyond Raging Hormones, and The Catcher in the Rye, to support the claim above. Beyond Raging HormonesThe Catcher in the Rye Textual evidence to support the claim How does this evidence support the claim? Textual evidence to support the claim How does this evidence support the claim?

6 The Catcher in the Rye Dialectical Journal Assignment Chapter # ______ Textual Evidence Textual evidence comes directly from the book. This can be a direct quote spoken by a character or a passage of narration. Response This is where you will respond to the text in a thoughtful way. Follow the guiding questions to respond at the three different levels of analysis. Each level should be at least 4-5 complete sentences. Each passage you choose should relate to the overarching question: To what extent does Holden represent a typical teenager or someone who has a serious mental disorder? Choose quotes that relate to Holden’s:  Appearance  Personality  Attitude toward life  Attitude toward other people  Important relationships  Other characters’ attitudes toward Holden  Beliefs: What is important to Holden? Include the correct MLA format citation “ Text” (Author’s last name, page #). Level 1: The Context of the Quote Who is speaking? What is happening in the text at the time of this quote? What is the literal meaning of the quote? Level 2: Author’s Tools and Literary Elements What literary element(s) is/are revealed and how? Characterization – What does this passage reveal about the character? Setting – How does the setting in this passage impact the meaning? Conflict – What problem or issue is revealed? Theme – What theme or central message is revealed? Symbolism – What symbol is revealed and what does it represent? Tone – What is the author’s attitude toward the subject? Language Use (diction, syntax, imagery) – How does the language use advance the effect of the passage? What is the significance of these lines? What is the author’s intention? Why is the passage written in such a way? How is the passage related to the text as a whole? Level 3: Create a thematic claim Based on the evidence and the information from Levels 1 and 2, create a thematic claim. Then, support it with an argument. Choose one of the following stances for your thematic claim: 1) Holden is a typical teenager 2) Holden is suffering from a serious mental health disorder. Is the claim true for the book as a whole? Is the claim true for the world? What might be an argument against the claim? How can you defend the claim?

7 English 10Name: Date: The Catcher in the Rye Dialectical Journal Assignment Chapter # _____ Textual Evidence Textual evidence comes directly from the book. This can be a direct quote spoken by a character or a passage of narration. Response This is where you will respond to the text in a thoughtful way. Follow the guiding questions to respond at the three different levels of analysis. Each level should be at least 4-5 complete sentences. Level 1: The Context of the Quote Level 2: Author’s Tools and Literary Elements Level 3: Create a thematic claim


9 Post It Notes Level 1 Options: o A quote or moment you like. o A question you have about the facts of the novel (plot, characters, etc.) o Vocabulary o New facts or details that you have learned about a character. Level 2 Options: o A connection to self o A literary element you notice (what it is and how it is used)  Characterization (Adjective)  Imagery (How is word choice used)  Setting (What is significance of place)  Metaphor/Simile  Theme (What is the big idea)  Conflict (What is the big problem)  Symbol (Concrete and abstract) o An inference or prediction that you can make about the text. o A question you have that would require thought to answer (beyond the facts) Level 3 Options: o A connection to the world or another text. o A universal theme or idea o Thought provoking questions for Socratic Seminar. o Awareness of authors craft (Salinger is using this technique because…)

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