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Opinion Finder (full version) AWSLCP Substance Misuse.

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Presentation on theme: "Opinion Finder (full version) AWSLCP Substance Misuse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opinion Finder (full version) AWSLCP Substance Misuse

2 Opinion Finder Activity agree disagree

3 All pupils need to know, is how to say no to drugs X

4 Legal herbal substances are less harmful than legal synthetic (man-made) substances Salvia Divinorum a short acting hallucinogenic leaf A long lasting synthetic Drug - similar effects as the illegal drug LSD Bromo-Dragonfly or B Dragonfly

5 health risks social riskssafety risks breaking of laws impact on others impact on community New Psychoactive Substances are a more socially acceptable form of drug taking

6 There is an unnecessary fuss over the care needed when using painkillers

7 += Cocaethylene Bromo Dragonfly Festivals are all about opportunities to get high

8 Inhaling Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) is just a bit of a joke

9 It is better for young people to drink alcohol, rather than take illegal drugs

10 Pupils with ADHD should be medicated

11 The taking and selling of legal drugs should be controlled through licensed premises (like pubs in UK or café’s in Holland)

12 Drugs are a necessity to help people cope with the challenges of life

13 It’s an individual’s human right to decide what to take into his/her body

14 To avoid possible sexual offences from occurring young people should not mix alcohol with dating

15 Parents should monitor the sites their children visit on the internet

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