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Pancreas lec.7 16 March 14 Objectives 1.Physiological anatomy of pancreas &functions 2. Exocrine Function of pancreatic Functional Anatomy Composition.

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Presentation on theme: "Pancreas lec.7 16 March 14 Objectives 1.Physiological anatomy of pancreas &functions 2. Exocrine Function of pancreatic Functional Anatomy Composition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pancreas lec.7 16 March 14 Objectives 1.Physiological anatomy of pancreas &functions 2. Exocrine Function of pancreatic Functional Anatomy Composition. Regulation. Phases of pancreatic juice

2 Physiological anatomy &functions Head located within curvature of duodenum  Body and tail extends to the spleen. functions 1. endocrine portion-- islets of Langerhans Insulinby B CELLS and glucagon--- --blood 2.Exocrine portion of pancreas pancreatic juice---.


4 Exocrine function of pancreas Functional Anatomy Functional Anatomy.Digestive enzymes by the pancreatic acinar.Digestive enzymes by the pancreatic acinarcells bicarbonate by duct cells-------pancreatic duct--.----join common bile duct (from liver and gallbladder)---sphincter of Oddi --- duodenum. bicarbonate by duct cells-------pancreatic duct--.----join common bile duct (from liver and gallbladder)---sphincter of Oddi --- duodenum.




8 Composition of Pancreatic juice 1.pancreatic digestive enzymes 2. anions (HCO3 - ) 2. anions (HCO3 - ) Cations (Na +, K +, Ca +, ) 3. Large amounts of water.

9 The two important components of pancreatic juice, are bicarbonate ions and water The two important components of pancreatic juice, are bicarbonate ions and water functions of pH 8 : functions of pH 8 : a. which provides a favorable conditions for digestive enzymes a. which provides a favorable conditions for digestive enzymes b.helps to neutralize the acidic chyme as it arrives from the stomach. b.helps to neutralize the acidic chyme as it arrives from the stomach. C.intestine blocks the action of pepsin which might damage the duodenal wall. C.intestine blocks the action of pepsin which might damage the duodenal wall.


11 Digestive Enzymes 1Carbohydrates-- pancreatic amylase 1Carbohydrates-- pancreatic amylase 2.fat enzymes --- pancreatic lipase cholesterlesterase;phospholipase 2.fat enzymes --- pancreatic lipase cholesterlesterase;phospholipase 3.Proteolytic enzymes--trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypolypeptidase 3.Proteolytic enzymes--trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypolypeptidase Trypsin inhibitors--- Prevents digestion of the Pancreas Itself Trypsin inhibitors--- Prevents digestion of the Pancreas Itself


13 Regulation of Pancreatic Secretion 1.hormonal 1.hormonal 2.Neural---ACH 2.Neural---ACH Hormonal---mostly Hormonal---mostly CCK----. Secretin----. Neural control Neural control Acetylcholine---- Acetylcholine----


15 Phases of Pancreatic Secretion 1. cephalic phase -----ACH—enzymatic stimulation 2. Gastric phase -- Distension of stomach--- --ACH 3.Intestinal phase:acid --secretin—high HCO3+water

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