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Published byTamsyn Barnett Modified over 9 years ago
Latest results from LHCf on very forward particle production at LHC
Oscar Adriani University of Florence & INFN Firenze Latest results from the LHC CERN, July 12th, 2012
Physics Motivations Impact on High Energy Cosmic Ray Physics
O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
The Cosmic Rays energy spectrum
1 particle/m2/sec Direct Measurement by Balloon and Satellite 1 particle/m2/year Air shower technique 1 particle/km2/year 1 particle/km2/century
Indirect measurement of cosmic rays
Composition and energy of cosmic rays affect the generation of Extended Air Showers Precise understanding of high-energy cosmic ray should be achieved with the indirect measurement technique Comparison between the MC simulation of EAS and observation is necessary to infer the information on the primary CR from the measurement of the shower Largest systematic uncertainty of indirect measurement is caused by the finite understanding of the hadronic interaction of cosmic ray in atmosphere γ p Fe Altitude [km] 1. 10^14eV以上ではindirect method以外に方法が無い。 2. 見られるのはair showerの情報のみ→best-matched MCが宇宙線の情報になる。 3. 間にあるhadronic interactionを精密に理解する。 Radius [km] O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Example I: the VHECR Energy spectrum
Auger and Telescope Array are currently taking data Auger has the highest statistics. Two kinks: the ankle and the GZK cutoff Both Auger and TA spectra shows two kinks… BUT… The fluxes are significantly different! Energy scale problem? Precise knowledge of the hadronic interaction mechanism at VHE is necessary O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Example II: Chemical Composition
The Chemical composition can be inferred from the depth of the maximum of the shower (Xmax) Shower depth [g/cm2] Proton Iron Gamma-ray Xmax E=1019eV BUT…. The results depend on the precise knowledge of the hadronic interaction mechanism!!!!! Auger Model uncertainty PROTON TA IRON 6 O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Example II: Chemical Composition
The Chemical composition can be inferred from the depth of the maximum of the shower (Xmax) Shower depth [g/cm2] Proton Iron Gamma-ray Xmax E=1019eV BUT…. The results depend on the precise knowledge of the hadronic interaction mechanism!!!!! Both in the energy determination and Xmax prediction MC simulations are used, and are one of the greater sources of uncertainty. Experimental tests of hadron interaction models are necessary! LHCf Auger Model uncertainty PROTON TA IRON 7 O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Why LHC? The experimental set-up
The Cosmic Ray spectrum
LHC Energy range is very interesting for Cosmic Ray Physics! 14TeV 0.9TeV 7TeV Direct Indirect O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Air Shower development
Total cross section Large σ rapid development Small σ deep penetrating Multiplicity (N) Large N rapid development large number of muons Small N deep penetrating small number of muons Inelasticity(k)/Secondary spectra Large k, Softer spectra rapid development Small k, harder spectra deep penetrating O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
LHC experiments Whole pseudo-rapidity is covered by the different LHC experiments Key parameters for air shower developments Total cross section ↔ TOTEM, ATLAS, CMS Multiplicity ↔ Central detectors Inelasticity/Secondary spectra ↔ Forward calorimeters LHCf, ZDCs R. Orava, (2005) O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
LHCf: location and detector layout
INTERACTION POINT IP1 (ATLAS) Detector II Tungsten Scintillator Silicon mstrips Detector I Scintillating fibers 140 m n π0 γ 8 cm 6 cm Front Counter 44 X0, 1.6 lint Arm#1 Detector 20mmx20mm+40mmx40mm 4 X-Y SciFi tracking layers Arm#2 Detector 25mmx25mm+32mmx32mm 4 X-Y Silicon strip layers Expected Performance Energy resolution < 5% for g ~30% for neutrons Position resolution ~ 100μm O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
What LHCf can measure? Energy Flux @14TeV Low multiplicity !!
Energy spectra and Transverse momentum distribution of photons, neutrons and p0 in the pseudorapidity region h > 8.4 Energy Next, I present what we can measure. We can measure energy spectra and transverse momentum distribution of gamma-ray with more than 100GeV and neutral hadrons it’s mainly neutrons with more than a few hundreds GeV, and neutral pions with more than 700GeV at rapidity range from 8.4 to infinity. because we don’t have own central detectors and LHCf trigger is completely independent on ATLAS trigger, so LHCf can measure only inclusive spectra . However we are recording ATLAS event ID number event by event, so it is possible to identify coincidence events with ATLAS event and to analyze with ATALS in future. simulated by DPMJET3 Low multiplicity !! High energy flux !! O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
What LHCf can measure? Energy spectra and Transverse momentum distribution of photons, neutrons and p0 in the pseudorapidity region > 8.4 Energy Very precisely measure the highest energy LHC photons (up to 7 TeV) with the smallest LHC detector (~few cm2) The experimental challenge: Next, I present what we can measure. We can measure energy spectra and transverse momentum distribution of gamma-ray with more than 100GeV and neutral hadrons it’s mainly neutrons with more than a few hundreds GeV, and neutral pions with more than 700GeV at rapidity range from 8.4 to infinity. because we don’t have own central detectors and LHCf trigger is completely independent on ATLAS trigger, so LHCf can measure only inclusive spectra . However we are recording ATLAS event ID number event by event, so it is possible to identify coincidence events with ATLAS event and to analyze with ATALS in future. simulated by DPMJET3 Low multiplicity !! High energy flux !! O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
LHCf main physics results
“Measurement of zero degree single photon energy spectra for √s = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC“ PLB 703 (2011) 128 “Measurement of zero degree single photon energy spectra for √s = 900 GeV proton-proton collisions at LHC“ Submitted to PLB CERN-PH-EP “Measurement of forward neutral pion transverse momentum spectra for √s = 7TeV proton-proton collisions at LHC“ Submitted to PRD CERN-PH-EP O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Inclusive g spectrum at 900 GeV
Data DPMJET 3.04 SIBYLL 2.1 EPOS 1.99 PYTHIA 8.145 QGSJET II-03 MC/Data Gray hatch : Systematic Errors O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Inclusive g spectrum at 7 TeV
Gray hatch : Systematic Errors Magenta hatch: MC Statistical errors Data MC/Data O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Inclusive g spectrum at 7 TeV
Gray hatch : Systematic Errors Magenta hatch: MC Statistical errors Data None of the Models agrees with the data! These measurement are important to improve the hadronic interaction models in the high energy region MC/Data O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Comparison between 900 GeV and 7 TeV spectra
Coverage of the photon spectra in the plane Feynman-X vs PT small-η = Large tower big-η =Small tower O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Comparison between 900 GeV and 7 TeV spectra
Coverage of the photon spectra in the plane Feynman-X vs PT small-η = Large tower big-η =Small tower 900GeV vs. 7TeV with the same PT region 900 GeV Small+large tower O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Comparison between 900 GeV and 7 TeV spectra
Coverage of the photon spectra in the plane Feynman-X vs PT Normalized by the number of entries in XF > 0.1 No systematic error is considered in both collision energies. XF spectra : 900GeV data vs. 7TeV data Good agreement of XF spectrum shape between 900 GeV and 7 TeV. weak dependence of <pT> on ECMS Preliminary Data 2010 at √s=900GeV (Normalized by the number of entries in XF > 0.1) Data 2010 at √s=7TeV (η>10.94) small-η = Large tower big-η =Small tower 900GeV vs. 7TeV with the same PT region 900 GeV Small+large tower O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
7 TeV π0 analysis Mass, energy and transverse momentum are reconstructed from the energies and impact positions of photon pairs measured by each calorimeter I.P.1 1(E1) 2(E2) 140m R O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
p0 Data vs MC: PT spectra for different rapidity bins
O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
p0 Data vs MC dpmjet 3.04 & pythia show overall agreement with LHCf data for 9.2<y<9.6 and pT <0.25 GeV/c, while the expected p0 production rates by both models exceed the LHCf data as pT becomes large sibyll 2.1 predicts harder pion spectra than data, but the expected p0 yield is generally small qgsjet II-03 predicts p0 spectra softer than LHCf data epos 1.99 shows the best overall agreement with the LHCf data. behaves softer in the low pT region, pT < 0.4GeV/c in 9.0<y<9.4 and pT <0.3GeV/c in 9.4<y<9.6 behaves harder in the large pT region. O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
<PT> for different y bins
π0 analysis at √s=7 TeV Submitted to PRD (arXiv: ). pT spectra vs best-fit function Average pT vs ylab <PT> for different y bins PLB (1990) YBeam=6.5 for SPS YBeam=8.92 for7 TeV LHC ylab = ybeam - y Systematic uncertainty of LHCf data is 5%. Comparison with the UA7 data (√s=630GeV) and MC simulations (QGSJET, SIBYLL, EPOS). Two experimental data mostly appear to lie along a common curve → No evident dependence of <pT> on ECMS. Smallest dependence on ECMS is found in EPOS and it is consistent with LHCf and UA7. Large ECMS dependence is found in SIBYLL O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
What’s next and … conclusions …
O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
LHCf Future PLANS: Ion run and 14 TeV
2010 2011/2012 2013 2014 LHC 14TeV 7TeV shutdown Jul Detector upgrade Re-install Re-install LHCf I LHCf-HI LHCf II 2013: p-Pb runs Interest in Ion runs Physics case study well motivated We will reinstall one ARM on p-remnant side during p-Pb run (beginning of 2013) 2014: 14 TeV p-p runs Necessary to complete the LHCf physics program The highest Elab will be reached (1017 eV), to go closer to the VHECR region n Pb –remnant side p –remnant side O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Conclusions LHCf represent a very interesting and useful link between accelerator physics and cosmic ray physics The experiment has been carefully designed to precisely measure the highest energy LHC photons (up to 7 TeV), despite being the smallest LHC detector (few cm2) Nice physics results have been performed both on g and p0 LHCf results have shown to be very useful for the very high energy cosmic rays models developer to improve their codes p/Pb run in 2013 and 14 TeV p/p run in 2014 are the next important steps O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Backup slides
What LHCf can measure in the p+Pb run E, pT, spectra of neutral particles
We are simulating protons with energy Ep = 3.5 TeV Energy per nucleon for ion is “Arm2” geometry considered on both sides of IP1 to study both p- remnant side and Pb-remnant side No detector response introduced yet (only geometrical considerations and energy smearing) Results are shown for DPMJET and EPOS 1.99, 107 events each “Pb-remnant side” “p-remnant side” 140 m 140 m p-beam Pb-beam O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Proton remnant side – Photon spectra
O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Proton remnant side - Neutron spectra
O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Lead-remnant side – multiplicity Please remind that EPOS does not consider Fermi motion and Nuclear Fragmentation Small tower Big tower n O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
What LHCf can measure in the p+Pb run (2) Study of the Nuclear Modification Factor
Nuclear Modification Factor measured at RHIC (production of p0): strong suppression for small pt at <>=4. LHCf can extend the measurement at higher energy and for >8.4 Very important for CR Physics Phys. Rev. Lett. 97 (2006) O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Muon excess at Pierre Auger Obs.
Auger hybrid analysis event-by-event MC selection to fit FD data (top-left) comparison with SD data vs MC (top-right) muon excess in data even for Fe primary MC EPOS predicts more muon due to larger baryon production => importance of baryon measurement Pierre Auger Collaboration, ICRC 2011 (arXiv: ) Pierog and Werner, PRL 101 (2008) O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Neutron at LHCf phase-space
By Tanguy Pierog, Modelists waiting for LHCf!! O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
Arm1 vs Arm2 comparison O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
π0 spectrum and air showers
π0 spectrum at Elab = 1017eV DPMJET3 original Artificial modification Longitudinal AS development <Xmax>=718 g/cm2 <Xmax>=689 g/cm2 Vertical Depth (g/cm2) Artificial modification of meson spectra (in agreement with differences between models) D<Xmax(p-Fe)> ~ 100 g/cm2 Effect to air shower ~ 30 g/cm2 AUGER, ICRC 2011 O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
LHCf operations @900 GeV & 7 TeV
With Stable Beam at 900 GeV Dec 6th – Dec 15th 2009 With Stable Beam at 900 GeV May 2nd – May 27th 2010 With Stable Beam at 7 TeV March 30th - July 19th 2010 We took data with and without 100 μrad crossing angle for different vertical detector positions Shower Gamma Hadron Arm1 46,800 4,100 11,527 Arm2 66,700 6,158 26,094 Shower Gamma Hadron π0 Arm1 172,263,255 56,846,874 111,971,115 344,526 Arm2 160,587,306 52,993,810 104,381,748 676,157 O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
p0 reconstruction 1(E1) An example of p0 events
measured energy Arm2 25mm 32mm preliminary Silicon strip-X view I.P.1 1(E1) 2(E2) 140m R Reconstructed Arm2 p0’s are the main source of electromagnetic secondaries in high energy collisions. The mass peak is very useful to confirm the detector performances and to estimate the systematic error of energy scale. O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
h Mass Arm2 detector, all runs with zero crossing angle
True h Mass: MeV MC Reconstructed h Mass peak: ± 1.0 MeV Data Reconstructed h Mass peak: ± 1.8 MeV (2.6% shift) O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
π0 analysis at √s=7TeV Type-I Type-II Small angle Large angle large BG
Submitted to PRD (arXiv: ). Type-I Type-II Large angle Simple Clean High-stat. Small angle large BG Low-stat. , but can cover High-E Large-PT Type-I LHCf-Arm1 Type-II LHCf-Arm1 LHCf-Arm1 Data 2010 Preliminary Type-II at large tower BG Type-II at small tower Signal O. Adriani Latest results from LHCf Cern, July 12, 2012
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