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1 Media Planning and Buying Chapter 11. 1-2 The Media Plan A written document that summarizes the objectives and strategies applicable for the placement.

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1 1 Media Planning and Buying Chapter 11

2 1-2 The Media Plan A written document that summarizes the objectives and strategies applicable for the placement of a company’s advertising messages.

3 1-3 Media Planning and Buying The Aperture Concept The goal of the media planner is to expose the target audience to the message at the critical point when the consumer is receptive to the brand message. ( Right Media + Right People + Right Time) To find the most effective ways to deliver messages at every contact point – a point where consumer connect with the brand and respond to a brand message

4 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-4 Media Research Information Sources Client information Market research Competitive advertising Media information

5 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-5 Media Research: Information Sources Client information Targeted markets Previous promotions and their performance Product sales and distribution patterns Brand plans The budget

6 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-6 Market Research Independently gathered information about markets and product categories Media Research: Information Sources

7 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-7 Competitive Advertising Media planners make decisions based on the amount of competitive traffic - Share of voice Measures the percentage of total advertising spending by one brand relative to the competition Media Research: Information Sources

8 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-8 Media Information Various media provide information about the size and makeup of their audiences Designated marketing area Media Research: Information Sources

9 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-9 Media Planning and Buying Media planning The way advertisers identify and select media options Media buying Identifying specific vehicles, negotiating the costs to advertise in them, and handling billing and payment

10 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-10 : person who provide information to media planner, select media, negotiating costs, monitoring the media choices, evaluate the media choices, handling billing and payment Media Department Media planner: makes the strategic decision in media plan Media Buyer

11 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-11 Media Buying Specifics Providing inside info Media buyers are important information sources for media planners Close enough to day-to-day changes in media popularity and pricing to be a constant source of inside information

12 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-12 Media Buying Specifics Selecting Media Vehicles Choose the best vehicles that fit the target audience’s aperture The media planner lays out the direction; the buyer is responsible for choosing specific vehicles

13 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-13 Media Buying Specifics Negotiation Media buyers pursue special advantages for clients Locate the desired vehicles and negotiate and maintain satisfactory schedule and rates Preferred Positions Locations in print media that offer readership advantages Preferred positions often carry a premium surcharge

14 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-14 Media Buying Specifics Extra Support Offers Value-added media services Contests Special events Merchandising space at stores Displays Trade-directed newsletters

15 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-15 Media Buying Specifics Billing and Payment It is the responsibility of the advertiser to make payments to various media The agency is contractually obligated to pay the invoice on behalf of the client

16 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-16 Media Buying Specifics Monitoring the Buy The media buyer tracks the performance of the media plan as it is implemented, as well as afterward Poorly performing vehicles must be replaced or costs must be modified (check the feedback)

17 Wells, Moriarty, Burnett & Lwin - Xth EditionADVERTISING Principles and Effective IMC Practice1-17 Media Buying Specifics Post-campaign Evaluation Once a campaign is completed, the planner compares the plan’s expectations and forecasts with what actually happened Provides guidance for future media plans

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