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 CHAPTER 8 Mixed-Methods Research By Laura Fox Fall 2015 EDCI 695.

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1  CHAPTER 8 Mixed-Methods Research By Laura Fox Fall 2015 EDCI 695

2 Learning Objectives After studying Chapter 8, students will be able to do the following:  List and describe defining characteristics of mixed-methods research  Summarize the procedures for conducting mixed-methods research studies  List and describe the characteristics of several mixed-methods designs  Distinguish between mixed-methods designs and mixed-model designs  Identify and discuss strengths and limitations of mixed-methods research designs  Design mixed-methods research studies for a topic of interest

3 Characteristics of Mixed-Methods Research 1. Collecting and analyzing both qualitative and quantitative data 2. Mixing the two forms of data simultaneously by combining them consecutively by having one build on the other or inserting one within the other 3. Giving priority to one or both forms data based on the research question 4. Using the procedures in one study or at different points 5. Framing these procedures 6. Combining the procedures in specific research design

4 The Mixed-Methods Research Process When using a mixed- methods approach to conduct a research study, a researcher must provide justification for this choice. Six examples of research problems that are suited for mixed-methods techniques are as follows: A need exists because one data source may be insufficient. to explain the initial results. to generalize exploratory findings. to enhance a study with a second method. to best employ a theoretical stance. to understand a research objective through multiple research phases.

5 The Mixed-Methods Research Process  Multi-phase mixed-methods research studies the phases of qualitative and quantitative data collection are simultaneous, or occur relatively close in time.  Multi-project mixed-methods study the phases of qualitative and quantitative data collection are distinctly separated by substantial periods of time.

6 The Mixed-Methods Research Process Preparation of a final research report. Development of conclusions and recommendations. Analysis of data. Collection of data. Review of related literature and development of a written review. Development of research questions for both qualitative and quantitative methods. Identification of the appropriate mixed methods design to guide your data collection. Development of a clear rational for doing a mixed methods study. Determination of whether a mixed methods study is possible. Identification of the research problem to be studied.

7 Classifying Mixed-methods Research Designs  There are numerous typological schemes for Mixed-methods designs are differentiated by:  the priorities assigned to the two types of data,  the sequence in which the two types of data are collected, and  the nature of the analytical procedures.

8 Approaches to Conducting of Mixed- Methods Research 1. Convergence parallel design- the research collects data at the same time 2. Explanatory sequential design- the collection and analysis of quantitative data receives priority and is conducted first, followed by the collection and analysis of qualitative data; also referred to as the exploratory design. 3. Exploratory sequential design- the collection and analysis of qualitative data receives priority and is conducted first, followed by the collection and analysis of quantitative data; also referred to as the exploratory design. 4. Embedded design- the researcher collects and analyzes both quantitative and qualitative data within traditional quantitative or qualitative designs; the “embedded” portion comes when the researcher adds a qualitative strand with in a quantitative design. 5. Transformative design- the researcher conducts the entire study within any transformative theoretical framework; all key decisions made by the researcher are made within the context of a transformative framework. 6. Multiphase design- combines both sequential and concurrent strands over a period of time where researcher is implementing multiple studies, all of which have an overall program objective.

9 Mixed-Methods Research Designs The researcher must consider: The level of interaction between the research strands or extent to which the two strands of a mixed- methods research study remain independent or interact with one another. Interactive level of interaction when the researcher mixes the two methods—which can occur at different points in the process, but must occur prior to the final interpretation of results. Independent level of interaction the qualitative and quantitative strands— i.e., the research questions, data collection, and data analysis—are kept entirely separate. The relative priority of the quantitative and qualitative research strands. Relative importance or weighting of quantitative and qualitative methods as a means of answering the guiding research questions in a mixed- methods study; prioritization may be quantitative, qualitative, or equal. The timing of the research strands or the temporal relationship between quantitative and qualitative strands in a mixed-methods study. Concurrent timing- Occurs when a researcher implements both quantitative and qualitative strands simultaneously during the same phase of a mixed- methods study. Sequential timing Implementation of a mixed- methods study in two distinct phases; collection and analysis of one type of data occur only after collection and analysis of the other type of data. Multiphase combination timing Implementation of multiple phases in a mixed-methods study that include sequential and/or concurrent timing. The procedures for mixing the two research strands. Mixing the intentional integration of a mixed- methods study’s quantitative and qualitative strands. Point of interface The stage at which integration of qualitative and quantitative strands occurs in a mixed- methods study.

10 Mixed-Methods Research Designs vs. Mixed-Model Research Designs  This involves mixing quantitative and qualitative in three areas: 1. The investigation 2. The quantitative and qualitative data collection 3. The statistical analysis and inference versus qualitative analysis and inference.

11 Validity in of Mixed-Methods Research  Validity in of Mixed-Methods Research is determined in the validity of both qualitative and quantitative research.

12 Strengths and Limitations of Mixed- Methods Research  The strengths are that it can help explain and extend results of research and it can answer question that may require both types of data.  The limitations are it is more time consuming and it may still need to be justified.

13 Mixed Methods: An Example 

14 Let’s practice!  m?type=Flashcard&file=ch8&folder=mertler FLASHCARDS

15 Quiz!  e=Quiz&file=ch8&folder=mertler

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