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RPT Chairs’ Meeting Ministry Update School College Work Initiative Chairs Meeting November 6, 2014 1.

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Presentation on theme: "RPT Chairs’ Meeting Ministry Update School College Work Initiative Chairs Meeting November 6, 2014 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 RPT Chairs’ Meeting Ministry Update School College Work Initiative Chairs Meeting November 6, 2014 1

2 Introductory Remarks 2

3 Dual Credit Student Data Report 2013-14 3

4 Participation Student participation increased by 3% over 2012-13 (18,584 students to 19,151 students) Number of programs increased by 8% In 2013-14, approved vs actual student participants was 92% as compared to 93% in the previous year. 4

5 Retention Rates 5

6 Success Rates 6

7 Target Group Participation by Program Focus 19,151 dual credit students provincially in the 2013-14 school year: 15,396 in the primary target group (80%) 2,459 SHSM students (13%) 1,296 OYAP students (7%) 7

8 2013-14 Approved vs Actual by Target Group Target Group Number of Students Approved vs. Actual Primary Target Group 15,39692% SHSM2,45992% OYAP1,29691% Provincial19,15192% 8 RPT Data

9 2013-14 Retention by Target Group Target Group Number of Students Retention Rate Primary Target Group 15,39686% SHSM2,45994% OYAP1,29691% Provincial19,15187.5% 9 RPT Data

10 2013-14 Success by Target Group Target Group Number of Students Success Rate Primary Target Group 15,39688% SHSM2,45993% OYAP1,29687% Provincial19,15188% 10 RPT Data

11 Provincial Dual Credit Footprint 2012-13 (OnSIS Data) 11 Dual C redits Students Grade 11 and 12 Students = xx% 13,186 381,072* = 3.5% * 2012-13 grade 11 and grade 12 enrolment numbers (source: OnSIS)

12 Students Who Earned an OSSD 2012-13 (OnSIS Data) Two years after taking a dual credit course, 80.5% of the 2011-12 dual credit students had an OSSD diploma (9,004 students) 12

13 Summer SWAC The program requirements: –1 dual credit + 1 Ontario curriculum credit –Dual credit teacher –On campus The results: –383 students started (86% of seats filled) –17 programs –89% retention rate –90% success rate for Dual Credits 13

14 Summer Single Dual Credits The program requirements: –1 dual credit –Dual credit teacher –On campus The results: –239 students started (76% of seats filled) –13 programs –95% retention rate –94% success rate for Dual Credits 14

15 Improvements to EDCS Website Transportation extract (509) Both requested and approved columns remain visible to RPTs on EDCS during contract change cycles 15

16 2015-16 Overview Focus –Data-based decision making –Continue work with TCU around apprenticeship dual credits –Focus on program quality –Improved achievement for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students and Children and Youth in Care area of focus for Ministry of Education 16

17 2015-16 Level 1 Apprenticeship Programs –Students must have a Registered Training Agreement to get TCU seat purchase –SCWI seat purchase is only for Primary Target Group student –See Pathways to Apprenticeship for clarification 17

18 Thanks et Merci 18

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