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IP Mobility Management - 핵심 기술 및 최신 표준 동향 -
Youn-Hee Han Korea University of Technology and Education Laboratory of Intelligent Networks VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Outline Network-based IP Mobility Support
Dual-Stack Support in Network-based IP Mobility Network-based Mobility Optimization New Issues and Summary VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Network-based IP Mobility Support
VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Recent Trend of IP Mobility
Network-based! No change to host Mobility handled by the network, often transparent to the host IETF’s much activities Working Groups NetLMM (Proxy Mobile IP), NetExt, Mext, Mipshop, Mif, Mip4 BoF NetExt2 3GPP/PP2 and WiMAX operators are now showing their STRONG interests for network-based IP mobility solution VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Why Network-based? Host-based IP Mobility (CMIPv4/v6) has not been widely deployed due to several factors Implementation issues IPsec and IKEv1 Deployment issues no cohesive mobility architecture Negligible deployment of IPv6 Operational issues Layer 3 signalling via radio link Layer 8 issues (Financial/Human/Political/FUD/…) Many operators elected to create their own protocols (eg. GTP), or They picked other IETF mobility protocols (Proxy MIP etc.) Money! VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
No Stable MIPv4/v6 stack executed in Microsoft Windows OS
Why Network-based? Operators are even now deploying their non-standardized network-based IP mobility solution [CMIPv6’s Problems] 1) Too heavy specification to be implemented at a small terminal - RFC 3344 (MIPv4): 99 pages - RFC 3775 (MIPv6): 165 pages 2) Battery problem 3) Waste of air resource No Stable MIPv4/v6 stack executed in Microsoft Windows OS No changes to the client devices or the underlying infrastructure are required VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6)
Proxy Mobile IPv6 [IETF RFC 5213, August 2008] LMA: Localized Mobility Agent MAG: Mobile Access Gateway IP Tunnel IP-in-IP tunnel between LMA and MAG LMA Home Network MN’s Home Network (Topological Anchor Point) MAG LMA Address (LMAA) That will be the tunnel entry-point LMM (Localized Mobility Management) Domain MAG movement Proxy Binding Update/Ack. (PBU/PBA) Control messages exchanged by MAG to LMA to establish a binding between MN-HoA and Proxy-CoA MN’s Home Network Prefix (MN-HNP) CAFE:2:/64 MN’ Home Address (MN-HoA) MN continues to use it as long as it roams within a same domain Proxy Care of Address (Proxy-CoA) The address of MAG That will be the tunnel end-point VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
PMIPv6 Operation Flow MN MAG AAA&Policy Store LMA CN DHCP Server
PBU: Proxy Binding Update PBA: Proxy Binding Ack. RA*: MN의 Prefix를 Policy Store에서 수신한 경우의 Router Advertisement RA**: MN의 Prefix를 LMA에서 수신한 경우의 Router Advertisement MN MAG AAA&Policy Store LMA CN MN Attachment AAA Query with MN-ID AAA Reply with Profile RA* PBU with MN-ID, Home Network Prefix option, Timestamp option PBA with MN-ID, Home Network Prefix option RA** Tunnel Setup Optional DHCP Server DHCP Request DHCP Request DHCP Response DHCP Response [MN-HoA:CN](data) [Proxy-CoA:LMAA][MN-HoA:CN](data) [MN-HoA:CN](data) VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
PMIPv6 Features Home in Any Place RA Unicast
MAG sends the RA (Router Advertisement) messages advertising MN’s home network prefix and other parameters MAG will emulate the home link on its access link. RA Unicast RA should be UNICASTed to an MN It will contain MN’s Home Network Prefix Per-MN Prefix Any MN is just a IPv6 host Any MN is just a IPv6 host with its protocol operation consistent with the base IPv6 specification. M:1 Tunnel LMA-MAG tunnel is a shared tunnel among many MNs. One tunnel is associated to multiple MNs’ Binding Caches. VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
PMIPv6 over WiBro/WiMAX
Proxy Mobile IPv6 over WiBro/WiMAX IP Network Internet E R ACR/MAG L2 Switch BS/RAS PSS HA or LMA AAA/Policy Store ACR DNS NMS TTA 단체표준, “와이브로에서의 프록시 모바일 IPv6 적용,” TTAK.KO , Dec. 2008 "WiMAX Forum Network Architecture (Stage 3: Detailed Protocols and Procedures) Release 1 Version 1.2.3“, Jul 2008. Previous MAG VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
PMIPv4 over WiMAX In Split PMA (Proxy Mobility Agent MAG & FA) Model
“WiMAX Forum/3GPP2 Proxy Mobile IPv4,” IETF Internet Draft - draft-leung-mip4-proxy-mode-10.txt VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
PMIPv6 in 3GPP LTE/EPC Proxy Mobile IPv6 over LTE
AAA/ Policy Server Ref.] I. Guardini et al., “Mobile IPv6 deployment opportunities in next generation 3GPP networks,” 16th IST Mobile&Wireless Communication Summit, Budapest, Hungary 1-5, July 2007 GTP-U Tunnel IP-in-IP Tunnel UE eNodeB S-GW/(MAG) P-GW/LMA P-GW: access gateway towards Packet Data Networks (similar to the GGSN) Optional! - PMIPv6 will be mainly used for inter-system handovers (i.e. handovers between 3GPP and non-3GPP accesses) VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
PMIPv6 in 3GPP LTE/EPC Proxy Mobile IPv6 over LTE
Vertical handover scenario LMA LMA VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Dual-Stack Support in Network-based IP Mobility
VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Current Solutions & Problems
Current (Bad) Solutions in Host-based MIPv6 Two IP Mobility Stacks MN Mobile IPv4 (RFC3344) & Mobile IPv6 (RFC3775)을 동시에 구현 HA Mobile IPv4 & Mobile IPv6 각각에 대한 HA를 운영 Problems IPv4IPv6 (or IPv4IPv6) 망간 이동시 세션 유지 불가능 구현(Implementation)의 어려움 두 개의 프로토콜을 동시에 구현 단말 및 장비의 단가 향상 운영(Operation)의 어려움 비효율적인 이동성 관리 네트워크 시그널 메시지의 오버헤드 So… alterative Solution: DS (Dual-Stack)-MIPv6: RFC 5555 VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
DS-MIPv6 Goal & Design Principle
설계 목표 IPv4 및 IPv6 이동성을 위하여 하나의 통합된 이동성 관리 프로토콜 설계 Mobile IPv6를 확장하여 다음 두 가지를 만족한다. IPv4 Transport Network Support IPv4 Home Address Mobility 설계 원칙 MN은 IPv4 HoA/CoA 및 IPv6 HoA/CoA 에 대한 바인딩 정보를 함께 HA에 등록을 한다. 임의의 IPv4 or IPv6 or IPv4/v6 Dual 네트워크로 이동하더라도 IPv4 or IPv6 패킷을 받을 수 있도록 한다. VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Dual Stack Support in PMIPv6
Dual-Stack Support in Proxy MIPv6 draft-ietf-netlmm-pmip6-ipv4-support-14.txt (July 2009) PMIPv6 기반 IPv4 Transport 지원 + IPv4 Home Address Mobility 지원 DS-MIPv6와 같은 설계 목표와 원칙 DS-PMIPv6가 고려하는 시나리오 Cellular IP network WLAN IP Network WiBro IP Network RAS LTE BS WLAN AP IPv4 IPv6 Private IPv4 NAT AAA DS-PMIPv6 LMA IPv4 Application (VoD, IP-Phone…) IPv6 Application (VoD, IP-Phone…) MN DS-PMIPv6 MAG VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
DS(Dual Stack)-PMIPv6 PMIPv6’s Dual-Stack Support
[Mobility Binding] HoAv4 and HoAv6 Dual Stack MN or IPv4 MN PBU (HoAv6, Proxy CoAv6, HoAv4) Proxy CoAv6 IPv4 traffic CNv4 HoAv4 IPv6 Tunnel (LMAAv6Proxy CoAv6) IPv6 traffic CNv6->HoAv6 Dual Stack MAG Only-IPv6 enabled (Proxy CoAv6) Dual Stack LMA Only-IPv6 enabled (LMMAv6) <MN in IPv6 domain> [Mobility Binding] HoAv4 and HoAv6 Dual Stack MN or IPv4 MN PBU (HoAv6, Proxy CoAv4, HoAv4) Proxy CoAv4 IPv4 traffic CNv4 HoAv4 IPv4 Tunnel (LMAAv4Proxy CoAv4) IPv6 traffic CNv6->HoAv6 Dual Stack MAG Only-IPv4 enabled (Proxy CoAv4) Dual Stack LMA Only-IPv4 enabled (LMAAv4) <MN in IPv4 domain> VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
DS(Dual Stack)-PMIPv6 MAG와 LMA 사이의 시그널링 및 터널 설정 LMA (바인딩 관리: IPv6 HoA & IPv4 HoA IPv4 or IPv6 Proxy-CoA ) IPv4-UDP-IPv6-PBU IPv4-UDP-IPv6-PBU IPv6-PBU IPv6-PBAck IPv4-UDP-IPv6-PBAck IPv4-UDP-IPv6-PBAck NAT 6-in-6 Tunnel 4-in-6 Tunnel 6-in-4 Tunnel 4-in-4 Tunnel 6-in-udp-in-4 Tunnel 4-in-udp-in-4 Tunnel MAG MAG MAG MN 이 IPv6 네트워크로 이동할 때 MN 이 IPv4 네트워크로 이동할 때 MN 이 Private IPv4 네트워크로 이동할 때 VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
LMA가 MN에게 할당할 Prefix Pool
DS-PMIPv6 테스트베드-1 v4/v6 VoD Server CN ETRI (2007,2008) eth1) 3ffe:2::1/64 LMA MN has Dual Stack and both addresses are always enabled V4/V6 network eth0) 3ffe:2::2/64 LMA가 MN에게 할당할 Prefix Pool 3ffe:1:3:1::/64 ~ 3ffe:1:3:ffff::/64 eth0) 3ffe:1::1/64 NAT Private V4 network V6 network eth0) V4 network MAG3 eth0) 3ffe:1::2/64 MAG1 eth0) MAG2 ra0) 3ffe:1:3::1/64 fe80::1 ra0) 3ffe:1:1::1/64 fe80::1 ra0) 3ffe:1:2::1/64 fe80::1 SSID: PMIP3 SSID: PMIP1 SSID: PMIP2 초기 실행: v4 VoD Client 초기 실행: v6 VoD Client VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
DS-PMIPv6 테스트베드-2 KT (2007): DS-PMIPv6 with Only Private IPv4 Network and IPv4 Application LMA (PC0) VoD (PC4) Subnet 4 NAT1 NAT2 MAG1 (PC1) MAG2 (PC2) Subnet 1 Subnet 2 MAG3 (PC3) Subnet 3 Notebook1 Notebook2 802.11g 802.11a VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Test: MIPv6 vs. PMIPv6 Test Results with Heavy Traffic (presented at MobiWorld 2008 conference) Encoding Rate: 2Mbps UDP Throughput of MIPv6 UDP Throughput of PMIPv6 VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Network-based Mobility Optimization
VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Network-based Handover Optimization
네트워크 기반의 IP Handover 기술 및 최적화 Basic Standard Proxy Mobile IPv6 (PMIPv6) – RFC 5213 (Aug. 2008) Base Protocol IETF의 네트워크 기반 핸드오버 최적화 기술 Fast Handovers for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (F-PMIPv6) draft-ietf-mipshop-pfmipv6-04.txt (May 2009) 핸드오버시 라우터간 터널링 기술 Transient Binding for Proxy Mobile IPv6 (TB-PMIPv6) draft-ietf-mipshop-transient-bce-pmipv6-02.txt (March 2009) Make-before-break 핸드오버시 두 개의 인터페이스를 동시에 사용할 수 있는 기술 L2 handover MD (필요없음), DAD (생략가능), Network-based BU [PMIPv6] time Layer 2+3 Latency VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Fast Handover for PMIPv6
F-PMIPv6 Procedure Access technology specific (out of scope) (Tunnel Setup) NAR requests PAR to forward or buffer the packets & Tunnel Setup (When? out of scope) Forwarding (Buffering at NAR) Access technology specific (out of scope) VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Fast Handover for PMIPv6
PMIPv6 vs. F-PMIPv6 HO-INITIATE HO-COMPLETE (Link-UP) Link-specific Handover MN PBU PBAck LMA Old MAG New MAG Total Handover Latency PMIPv6 Link-specific Handover MN PBU PBAck LMA Old MAG New MAG Total Handover Latency HI HAck Buffering F-PMIPv6 HO-INITIATE HO-COMPLETE (Link-UP) VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
New Issues and Summary VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
IETF NetEXT2 WG IETF’s New WG – NetExt (NETLMM Extension)
2009년 7월 첫 WG 회의 (75th IETF - Stockholm, Sweden) PMIPv6에 대한 Extension 기술에 대한 표준화 Work Items on Consensus Localized routing bulk-registration Runtime LMA selection IETF’s New BoF – NetExt2 (NETLMM Extension 2) 2009년 7월 첫 BoF 회의 More controversial issues Multiple Interface support Inter-technology handovers “Flow Bindings in Mobile IPv6 and NEMO Basic Support”, IETF Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-mext-flow-binding-03.txt, July 2009. VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
다른 인터페이스의 스위치 를 올려서 단순하게 접속만 시도했군 ! 세션이동성은 없고…
New Issues in PMIPv6 What Issues in NetEXT2 BoF ? Scenario 1: Setting up Mobility Sessions on Demand Create additional mobility sessions on demand e.g., additional connection for a particular service A new mobility session with a new prefix is created LMA LMA Mobile IPTV flow Mobile IPTV flow PBU (HI=1) PBU (HI=1) 다른 인터페이스의 스위치 를 올려서 단순하게 접속만 시도했군 ! 세션이동성은 없고… MAG MAG MAG MAG VoIP flow VoIP flow WiMax 3G WiMax 3G HTTP flow WiBro 3G WiBro 3G MN MN VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
새로운 인터페이스로 세션을 이동하고 있네? Vertical 핸드오버군 !
New Issues in PMIPv6 What Issues in NetEXT2 BoF ? Scenario 2: Flow Mobility If another access is enabled on the MN, some of the existing flows could be moved over, to achieve, e.g., load balancing and better user experience LMA LMA Mobile IPTV flow Mobile IPTV flow PBU (HI=2) PBU (HI=1) 새로운 인터페이스로 세션을 이동하고 있네? Vertical 핸드오버군 ! MAG MAG MAG MAG VoIP flow VoIP flow WiMax 3G WiMax 3G WiBro 3G WiBro 3G MN MN VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
Summary Summary Network-based IP Mobility Management
Proxy Mobile IPv6 Dual Stack Support IPv4/v6 Transport Network Support IPv4/v6 Home Address Mobility Fast Handover in PMIPv6 Cross-layering Issues Complete Support for Various Vertical Handover Scenario “Initial Attachment” vs. “Handover” Per-flow mobility Network-based Proxy MIPv6 Horizontal Handover Vertical Handover Multiple Interface Management Multiple Flow Management A handover is initiated when mobile device exits the boundaries of an administrative domain. Single interface is used. A mobile device does need to move in order to initiate a handover. Multiple interfaces are required, but use one interface at a time. Simultaneous use of multiple interfaces and access networks. Association of an application with an interface Ability to split individual flows between links with respect to the requirements of the flows and the user preferences Complexity Level IETF New WG - Mif (Multi-interface) - Interface selection - Address selection Host-based MIPv6 VoIP Forum Summer Workshop
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