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The Nixon Years. The Crisis of 1968 Antiwar Sentiment Increases Tet Offensive King Assassinated Robert Kennedy Assassinated Sirhan Sirhan The 1968 Democratic.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nixon Years. The Crisis of 1968 Antiwar Sentiment Increases Tet Offensive King Assassinated Robert Kennedy Assassinated Sirhan Sirhan The 1968 Democratic."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nixon Years

2 The Crisis of 1968 Antiwar Sentiment Increases Tet Offensive King Assassinated Robert Kennedy Assassinated Sirhan Sirhan The 1968 Democratic Convention The Election of 1968 Nixon wins in close election

3 The Nixon Administration Nixon in Person Nixon in Person Nixon’s Staff Nixon’s Staff Domestic Policy Domestic Policy Inflation Inflation Oil Crisis Oil Crisis Silent Majority Silent Majority The “Southern Strategy” The “Southern Strategy” Busing Busing Nixon’s Supreme Court Nixon’s Supreme Court The First Moon Landing The First Moon Landing Apollo 11 Apollo 11

4 Nixon’s Foreign Policy Henry Kissinger Realpolitik Relaxing Tensions Detente A New Approach to China “Ping-pong diplomacy” Nixon visits in 1972 Limiting Nuclear Arms Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT – 1)

5 Watergate Scandal Siege Mentality Siege Mentality Enemies List Enemies List Wiretaps Wiretaps The Plumbers The Plumbers Nixon’s Reelection Campaign Nixon’s Reelection Campaign Watergate Break-in Watergate Break-in The Watergate Trial The Watergate Trial Woodward and Bernstein Woodward and Bernstein Senate Investigates Senate Investigates Nixon Resigns Nixon Resigns

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