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Nixon Obj: How effective was RMN in domestic & foreign policy before Watergate?

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1 Nixon Obj: How effective was RMN in domestic & foreign policy before Watergate?

2 Hawks vs Doves ▫Hawks – Vietnam was winnable and legitimate; blamed liberal media ▫Doves – Did not question intentions but continued engagement “If America’s soul becomes totally poisoned, part of the autopsy must read ‘Vietnam.’” – MLK

3 1968 Democratic Convention – Chicago ▫A. Mayor Richard Daley - Put on a show ▫B. Police Riots outside ▫C. Turmoil Inside - Delegates  Hubert Humphrey 561.5  RFK 393.5  McCarthy 258  80% of primary votes for peace plank ▫D. New Deal Coalition Crumbles on TV

4 I. The Election of 1968 – Conservative Resurgence  New Republicans: Sunbelt, SW, SoCal, FL & Silent Majority ▫A. Democrats Divided ▫B. Nixon & Spiro “Who” Agnew  1. “End the War, Win the Peace” ▫C. George Wallace – American Independent Party  1. Law & Order

5 II. Nixon’s Foreign Policy (Realpolitik)  Pragmatism over ethics or ideology  1968 peace negotiations w/ Johnson…cease fire? ▫A. Vietnam  1. Vietnamization  1. Replace US w/ SV troops  2. Direct negotiation w/ NV  3. Increase air strikes & secret Cambodian & Laos strikes  2. Cambodian Incursion & SV invades Laos (‘71)  3. 1972 Christmas Bombing – Worst of War

6  4. Paris Peace Accords (January 1973)  1. 58k dead, 300k wounded, $150B  2. US withdraws all troops, return POW’s, N/S issue unresolved

7 ▫B. Détente – Relaxation of Tensions w/ China & USSR  1. Henry Kissinger: Pragmatic, Realist, Patient  2. Cold War: Power Rivalry to be managed – not won  3. Improved Relations w/ China  1a. Beijing: Establish American Liaison Mission (2/72)  2a. Full Diplomatic Recognition (1979)

8  4. Cooperation w/ USSR  a. Moscow Trip; Did not end arms race (5/72)  b. Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT I): Nuclear Equality – Not superiority  c. ABM Treaty: restrict deployment nationwide missile defense system

9 ▫C. Shuttle Diplomacy in the Middle East  1. 6 Days War (‘67), Yom Kippur War (‘73), Oil Embargo  2. Kissinger brokers truce after 2 years of diplomacy  1a. Cease Fire, Israel ceded territory, end embargo  2a. Palestinian issue unresolved

10 ▫D. US Aid based on Anti-Communism  1. Iran – Support Shah  2. South Africa, Philippines, Chile

11 The Fall of Richard Nixon ▫Obj: To what extent did RN create his own downfall? I. Nixon’s Strengths ▫A. Apollo 11 (7/21/69) “Eagle has landed”

12 ▫B. Cooperation w/ Democratic Congress  1. Increase Social Security Benefits  2. Build Subsidized Housing  3. Expanded Job Corps  4. Lowered Voting Age to 18 – 26 th Amendment  5. OSHA, EPA, Clean Air Act, Earth Day (4/22/70)

13 II. Troubled Economy ▫A. Stagflation – Increasing Unemployment & Inflation  1a. Causes: War, Oil, Budget Deficits  2a. Plan: Cut spending & Raise interest rates  3a. Unrest: Strikes, Drop in Investment, Unemployment  4a. 90 Price & Wage Freeze – Success until after election  5a. Post Election – Voluntary Restraints  6a. Inflation soars due to embargo

14 III. Nixon’s Society ▫A. Law & Order  1. Establish new Republican base  2. Undermine ‘Radicals’: Audits, Wiretaps, Enemies List  3. Uncooperative CIA leads to creation of “The Plumbers”

15 ▫B. Southern Strategy  1. Gain Southern White Support – anger NOT at Nixon but SCOTUS  2. SCOTUS Nominees - 2 conservative Southerners rejected  a. Burger Court – Moderate: Powell, Rehnquist & Blackmun  b. Swann v. Charl.-Meck. Bd. Of Ed. (1971) – upheld busing  c. Roe v. Wade (1973) – liberal & more conservative rulings  d. NYT v. Nixon – 1 st amendment protected  3. Let Agnew do the dirty work

16 IV. Election 1972 ▫A. CREEP – Watergate contained? ▫B. Nixon 520 vs. McGovern 17  1. Desperate for Mandate – Leaks?  2. Bold Attack on Inflation, Vietnam, Détente, Victory

17 V. Crisis in the White House ▫A. Economy & Inflation: P&W Freeze over & Prices Soar ▫B. New VP; IRS Problems; Grain Shortages; Oil Crisis  1. Agnew Resigns; Ford Appointed – Not Elected  2. Nixon tax returns: “I am not a Crook”

18 VI. Watergate Investigation Continues ▫A. McCord’s Letter to Judge Sirica Implicating WH (‘73) ▫B. Story Begins to Unravel – Deep Throat (M. Felt 2005)  1. Executive Privilege  2. Ervin Committee, Saturday Night Massacre 12/73  3. Tapes, Missing Tapes ▫C. SP Jaworski & House Judiciary Committee Investigate ▫D. Unintened Co-Conspirator; More Tapes ▫E. US v. Nixon; Televised; 3 Articles of Impeachment

19 ▫F. 8/8 Resigns; 8/9 Ford Sworn in; 9/8 Pardoned

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