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1970’s and Beyond Nixon, Carter, Reagan. Nixon 1969-74, Ford to ‘77 Watergate and his resignation OPEC Shuttle Diplomacy SALT I Détente China The Economy:

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Presentation on theme: "1970’s and Beyond Nixon, Carter, Reagan. Nixon 1969-74, Ford to ‘77 Watergate and his resignation OPEC Shuttle Diplomacy SALT I Détente China The Economy:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1970’s and Beyond Nixon, Carter, Reagan

2 Nixon 1969-74, Ford to ‘77 Watergate and his resignation OPEC Shuttle Diplomacy SALT I Détente China The Economy: Stagflation Henry Kissinger

3 Legacy of Watergate Public distrust of government Ford’s full, free, and absolute pardon of Nixon

4 Carter 1977-81 Why elected? Cyrus Vance and Human Rights Carter Doctrine…the Persian Gulf The economy The Moscow Olympics The Hostage Crisis Camp David Accords To the New Right…Reagan

5 Reagan Teflon President? Supply Side economics (aka Reaganomics, Voodoo economics) The fall of the Soviet Union and Star Wars The Iran-Contra Crisis Televangelists The New Right

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