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Trends in Health Care. Learning Goals: 1) To get a good idea of how our lifestyles and demographics is driving the health care industry. 2) To see how.

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Presentation on theme: "Trends in Health Care. Learning Goals: 1) To get a good idea of how our lifestyles and demographics is driving the health care industry. 2) To see how."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trends in Health Care

2 Learning Goals: 1) To get a good idea of how our lifestyles and demographics is driving the health care industry. 2) To see how these changes will affect you as a future health care worker.

3 1. Population Trends What does this population pyramid tell us? What does it have to do with health care?

4 EFFECT OF DEMOGRAPHICS ON HEALTH CARE Trend: Effects: 1. Aging population (Most of our population is entering the senior years. These are the baby boomers.) Older people have more health care needs. The demand for health care increases. Cost of health care increases.

5 So… What does this mean for you? Trend Examples 2. New areas for employment based on meeting needs of the elderly. 3. Focus on cost prevention strategies. Careers related to helping the elderly will grow. (Medical, nursing, physical/occupational therapy, nutrition, respiratory services) Assistive services & devices, home care, residences, recreation … New specialties: Geriatric care (care for the elderly) Hospitals are expensive, so more outpatient care such as clinics and home care. More focus on preventing illness and early treatment.

6 2. Lifestyle Patterns What is the typical North American like and how does it affect health? (brainstorm – google- report)  Diet (What is our typical diet like? What foods do we eat? What is the effect?)  Exercise (How much are we getting? What’s stopping us? Has technology affected this? What is the effect?)  Stress (Is this a problem? What does it do to our health?)  Smoking/alcohol (Is this still a problem? What does it cause?)  Poverty (Is it a problem here? Are poorer sicker?) * Health practice is guided by research and study to identify needs in order to find solutions to help people and prevent health problems.

7 EFFECT OF LIFESTYLES ON HEALTH CARE Cause: Effect: High fat and high sugar diet increases obesity. Smoking Drinking (excessive) Sedentary lifestyles (computer recreation has replaced physical recreation; commuting – more driving and less walking.) More people report elevating stress in general. Increases blood pressure, diabetes which increase risk for heart attacks & strokes. Increases all cancers, and increases BP which increases heart attack and stroke risk. Increases BP … and heart disease, dementia, cirrhosis, heart disease, pancreatitis, anemia. Adds to obesity problem and doesn’t provide physical outlet for stress. Increased hormone cortisol elevates BP, increases heart rate (hard on your heart), lowers immunity (get sick more)

8 3. SOCIAL TRENDS: Effects of POVERTY on Health Guess Why? EVERYONE has a right to health care. Public health involves identifying those at risk. Reducing gaps in health care study tells us that poorer are sicker. Amongst the poor there is 50% to 3X higher rates of: anxiety disorders Car accidents Diabetes Mental health disorders Falls (unintentional) COPD Injuries in children Injuries in general Therefore, personal income affects health. If a client loses a job, we need to be aware of the health impact, especially if it is long-term. As a society, we need to ensure needs are met for everyone. (Equity – means help for all.)

9 Environmental Awareness Trend Guess Why?  Energy conservation by turning out lights  Tools are sterilized and re-used. However, medical waste is a problem (packaging). Where does biohazardous medical waste go? Garbage??? NO!  Drugs are returned to pharmacies (drug take back program)  Biohazardous waste (blood, body parts and contaminated burnable items) are sent to an incineration facility.  Non burnable items are sterilized first and then go into landfill. This prevents contamination of our soil and water.

10 4. Technology Trends. (guess this one)

11 Tech trend examples: 1. Telemedicine Uses video, audio and computers to provide care. Health care providers can communicate from different locations to increase access. (EMT’s send ECG tracings to ER, remote control arm for surgery) Patients use computers to send data from home. (blood sugar, blood pressure – saves going to hospital for disabled or ill)

12 2. Regenerative Medicine We can use Stem Cells to grow organs to replace damaged ones. 0 0 (The heart makers – 5 min) (Stem cell therapy for stroke– 5 min) (An Inkjet made my bladder – 3.5 min) (Stem cells regenerate new finger – 4:08 min) (A Stem Cell Story: Award winning stem cell documentary 2011 – 15 min) BBC documentary: Treating incurable disease (58:38) 3. Robotics for surgery, for limbs… 4. Nanotechnology Computer technology to deliver medication or used for diagnostics.) 5. Gene therapy: cures for breast cancer? More Tech trend examples: It’s WAY COOL!

13 5. Wellness Trend Wellness! More people recognize the importance of exercise, good nutrition, weight control and healthy living to improve our overall health. Examples: clinics/stores: weight loss, health food, fitness, yoga, stress management... More JOB opportunities!

14 Which of these do you think is the overall trend in health care? (Which one is the GOAL for all care?)

15 WELLNESS! WHY?  To improve the quality of life, prevent illness, lower cost, and decrease demand on the system.  Lifestyle related illnesses are our biggest immediate threat. E.g. Obesity leads to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, future Alzheimer's). This is preventable! Definitions: Wellness: The state of being in optimum (best) health, with physical, mental and social health in balance.

16 Are these people “well”?

17 Why are these trends? Our population is aging, so there’s more demand. People are also living longer. To lower cost. (More demand increases cost and technology is expensive.) Care at home is nicer and cheaper to provide. People prefer this “old style” of health care. Equity is a right: We have the technology to make access to care easier, faster, and better (Telemedicine). Studies show us gaps in care so that needs of all regardless of income can be met (Poorer are sicker.). Personal income affects health. If a client loses a job, we need to be aware of the health impact, especially if it is long term. As a society, we need to ensure needs are met for everyone (Poorer are sicker.). As technology advances cures for previously untreatable illness is now possible or is being strived for. Protecting the environment protects us. Improper disposal of medical waste can make us sick. Lifestyle related illnesses are now our biggest threat which is preventable (obesity). To improve the quality of life.

18 Review: What are the trends?

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