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Statements of interest 2 examples. Reference: Date Sender Receiver:

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1 Statements of interest 2 examples



4 Reference: Date Sender Receiver:

5 Complimentary close Signature Enclosure: resume

6 5 TIPS Write in vigorous, vibrant and animated language Address your letter to individuals. (Use an action close): say WHY you are interested (Bait your letters with marketable skills and other benefits): say how you can contribute to [the seminar, the firm, etc.] Use postscripts or a motto to dramatize some information

7 Opening line: a known name I recently met with James Smith from your firm... John Smith suggested I contact you regarding opportunities in... My professor strongly recommended that I apply to you for the seminar “...” Bonnie Taylor provided me with your name and suggested I contact you regarding...[summer employment this season; summer course on…; etc.]

8 Vibrant language My enthusiasm and desire to …. are deep and authentic I submit with great interest my resume for consideration as a … [position] I am pleased to submit a resume and a translation sample in the event that an opportunity should arise in your … As a recent graduate I am eager to begin my working experience with a reputable [firm, company, agency, etc.) such as yours / I am eager to deepen my knowledge in the field by attending…

9 Your benefits Not just one to talk, here I am. I am organized, have a positive attitude, and am willing to work hard. What you are asking for and what I can deliver sound like a match! I am confident that with my skills in … I can make an immediate and valuable contribution to your... As my resume shows these are the skills I have developed: … Please allow me to highlight some of my accomplishments that are relevant to your requirements

10 Closing line Looking forward to hearing from you... I hope you will take my application into consideration... Thank you for your time and consideration. I will follow up next week. I would enjoy speaking with you for a few moments over the telephone to determine if and when we can meet I will give you a call next week to set up a metting to talk further

11 Let's practice: write a statement of interest to participate in a seminar on American history and culture Applicants will be expected to have: A high degree of motivation Interest in the topic Some knowledge of the themes explored An ability to follow an argument or line of reasoning Good powers of concentration Good communication skills > WHO YOU ARE  YOUR FAVOURITE TOPIC  WHY YOU WANT TO ATTEND THE SEMINAR

12 Internship and Work Experience Programme (British Embassy in Mexico City): embassy/Working_for_us/work-experience Intership in Romania glish-2.pdf More practice :

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