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Digital Inclusion & Readiness: Role of Libraries John B. Horrigan, PhD Pew Research Center June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Inclusion & Readiness: Role of Libraries John B. Horrigan, PhD Pew Research Center June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Inclusion & Readiness: Role of Libraries John B. Horrigan, PhD Pew Research Center June 2015

2 Trends in tech adoption (Source: Pew Research Center & U.S. Department of Commerce) Home BroadbandSmartphonesTablet computers 201068%*5% 201169358 2012724518 2013735535 2014*64* 2015**45 2

3 Broadband Adoption: What we’ve learned The problem isn’t what we thought it was 5 years ago – Barriers are multiple – Progress is possible – but it takes time Pulling a single lever doesn’t effect change – Comprehensive & community-driven solutions needed Institutions matter – Partnerships  Engagement  Training … PET model Libraries play a role in “digital readiness” 3

4 Libraries (Pew Research Center April 2015 survey) Foot traffic to libraries holding steady – 46% have visited library in-person in past year – 48% said this in 2013 Use of Web resources shifting to mobile – 24% have used public library website in 2015 – 30% said this in 2013 – Mobile access up from 39% to 50% (among library website users) Libraries still important resources for online access – 27% of library users have, in 2015, used computers, internet, or Wi-Fi in public libraries – Compares with 31% in 2012. 4

5 People see libraries as community hubs (Pew Research Center April 2015 survey) Education – 85% say libraries should offer early literacy programs for kids – 65% say libraries help people determine whether information is trustworthy Economic opportunity – 52% say libraries should create programs to help entrepreneurs & local businesses – 45% say libraries should purchase 3-D printers and other new tech Inclusion – 74% said libraries should create programs to help veterans or active military – 59% say libraries should offer programs or services for immigrants or first generation Americans Community health information – 73% say libraries contribute to helping people find health information – 42% of those who use library tech resources search for health information 5

6 Digital Readiness & Libraries Twin challenges of digital readiness – Skills – Trust Rapid rate of change leaves as much as one-third struggling to engage with digital world – Not just as consumers of services, but creators & participants in digital commons Libraries seen as trusted & safe places to help people navigate digitally-driven change – 76% say libraries should offer programs to teach people how to protect privacy and security online – 70% say libraries should help people learn how to use new technologies 6

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