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Holdrum Physical Education.

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1 Holdrum Physical Education

2 Holdrum Health and Physical Education Staff
Elizabeth Orozco-Ronda- School Nurse Mike Davenport -Phys. Ed. (6-8) & 6th grade Health Sara Pickett- Phys. Ed (6-8) & 7th grade Health Joe Blundo- Phys. Ed. (6-8) & 8th grade Health

3 Featured units Trimester One Ultimate Frisbee Soccer Flag Football
Skill Challenges Fitness Testing Trimester Two Basketball Volleyball Floor Hockey Team Building Movement Education Trimester Three Golf Softball Accuracy Games

4 Grading policy Effort Are you engaged and trying your best during class activities (including warm-ups)? Attitude Do you demonstrate respect towards yourself, other students, teachers, facilities and equipment? Development (Skill and Fitness) During activities, do you apply the knowledge gained through instruction? Rules and Procedures Do you follow the rules, procedures and etiquette specific to activities? Social Skills Do you work well with other students by displaying accountability and sportsmanship? Attendance Do you come to class prepared to participate?

5 Are you Prepared? Physical Education Uniform
White/Grey plain shirt with sleeves Athletic shorts or pants Sneakers with laces Socks No jewelry

6 Attendance policy For each trimester, out of a total of 50 possible points 1st unprepared mark = -1 point 2nd unprepared mark = -2 points 3rd unprepared mark = -3 points all further unprepared = -5 points

7 Additional Factors For Total Grade
Above and Beyond Recognition = +2 Gum Chewing = -1 Cool Down = -1 Removal From Activity = -3

8 Participation rubric Is used to evaluate the 5 factors of the participation grade. Uses a scale of 1-5 for each category. Is completed by both teachers and students twice per trimester. The average of all four numbers = 50% of total grade Students who give themselves 25 out of 25 points are required write a one page essay justifying why they deserve a perfect score. Legitimate claims will be considered.

9 Phys ed rubric (sample)
1 2 3 4 5 Student Evaluation Teacher Evaluation Effort The student rarely stays actively engaged throughout the lesson, including warm-ups. The student sometimes stays actively engaged throughout the lesson, including warm-ups. The student is often actively engaged throughout the lesson, including warm-ups. The student is consistently actively engaged throughout the lesson, including warm-ups. The student is always actively engaged throughout the lesson, including warm-ups. Attitude The student rarely demonstrates respect towards themselves, other students, teachers and equipment. The student sometimes demonstrates respect towards themselves, other students, teachers and equipment. The student often demonstrates respect towards themselves, other students, teachers and equipment. The student consistently demonstrates respect towards themselves, other students, teachers and equipment. The student always demonstrates respect towards themselves, other students, teachers and equipment. Development The student rarely applies knowledge gained through instruction during class activities The student sometimes applies knowledge gained through instruction during class activities The student often applies knowledge gained through instruction during class activities The student consistently applies knowledge gained through instruction during class activities The student always applies knowledge gained through instruction during class activities Rules & Procedures The student rarely follows rules, procedures and etiquette specific to participating in the activities. The student sometimes follows rules, procedures and etiquette specific to participating in the activities. The student often follows rules, procedures and etiquette specific to participating in the activities. The student consistently follows rules, procedures and etiquette specific to participating in the activities. The student always follows rules, procedures and etiquette specific to participating in the activities. Social Skills The student rarely works well with others towards the achievement of a task. The student sometimes works well with others towards the achievement of a task. The student often works well with others towards the achievement of a task. The student consistently works well with others towards the achievement of a task. The student takes a leadership role with the goal of helping other achieve a task. Total 21

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