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Student Interview Student Name Hobbies Something they did interesting over the summer Pets, siblings etc. Favorite movie, music etc. One word that describes.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Interview Student Name Hobbies Something they did interesting over the summer Pets, siblings etc. Favorite movie, music etc. One word that describes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Interview Student Name Hobbies Something they did interesting over the summer Pets, siblings etc. Favorite movie, music etc. One word that describes them.

2 Warm up What are two topics we will study this year? How long do you have to start bell work? How many days do you have to contact me to get make up work?

3 Safety and Rules of the Lab

4 Safety Symbols Know safety symbols They appear in your laboratory activities They will alert you to possible dangers

5 Use Your Head Follow all instructions given by the teacher Notify the teacher immediately regarding any accident or unsafe areas

6 Use Your Head Read lab instructions ahead of time Always follow lab procedures exactly Never do an unauthorized experiment

7 Protect Yourself Eye Safety Wear safety goggles when working with chemicals, flames, or heating devices or if possibility of flying debris

8 Protect Yourself Hand Safety Wash hands after every lab

9 Protect Yourself Hand Safety

10 Sharp Objects W h e n u s i n g k n i f e s o r o t h e r s h a r p o b j e c t s a l w a y s w a l k w i t h t h e p o i n t s Always cut away from fingers and body Always carry sharp objects with points and tips facing down and away Grasp sharp instruments only by the handles

11 Sharp Objects W h e n u s i n g k n i f e s o r o t h e r s h a r p o b j e c t s a l w a y s w a l k w i t h t h e p o i n t s Notify teacher if you get cut Broken glass and sharp objects do not go in trash cans Teacher will clean up broken glass

12 Electrical Safety Only electrical plugs are to be placed into an electrical outlet Unplug electrical equipment after use

13 Physical Safety Handle all equipment carefully Do not place a cord where someone can trip over it Keep books picked up out of walking isles

14 Animal Safety Only handle living organisms with teacher permission Wash your hands after handling animals

15 Respect the life of all laboratory specimen They gave their life for your education Treatment of Specimen

16 Plant Safety Do not eat any plants in lab Wash your hands after handling plants Tell your teacher of any plant allergies

17 You Should Never… Take any chemicals from lab or store room Touch any equipment, chemicals, or other materials until instructed to do so

18 You Should Never… Eat or drink in the lab Use lab glass-ware to eat or drink out of

19 Engage in…. – practical jokes – horse play – rough house You Should Never…

20 Remember to… Only communicate with your team Maintain a clean work area Read and follow all directions Clean and put away all equipment at the end of the lab period Dispose of waste products according to instruction


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