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1 eHMP Training DRAFT

2 eHMP Value and Benefits
eHMP At A Glance eHMP is a clinician facing application Goal is to improve access to health care and provide an exceptional patient experience, every time (Blueprint for Excellence) Gives clinicians streamlined access to Veterans’ complete patient history from VA, DoD and health partners displayed in a single reliable, customizable, and secure interface that is easy to use Offers clinical knowledge enrichment and clinical decision support services that provide the right data at the right time from the VA, DoD, and external partners The eHMP Project is a multi-year effort designed to provide a new web-based clinical application that will eventually replace CPRS. eHMP will incorporate and enhance CPRS functionalities as well as introduce new clinical capabilities. Components include: The User Interface (UI) A clinical data services engine Other middle tier services such as Clinical Decision Support, Context Persistence, Orders Selection Service, Orders Management Service, Data Annotation Service, Clinical Workflow, Concept Relationship Service, Documentation and Text Search Service, and Business Rules Management System Can briefly go over this slide during the presentation *Federated refers to the ability to collect clinical data from disparate sources (VA VistAs, DoD Clinical Data Repository, Virtual Lifetime Electronic Record Data Access Service [VA DAS], Patient Provided data, etc.) and aggregate it in a virtual database where it can be used for clinical care, clinical business intelligence, or other analysis such as Clinical Decision Support VA Internal Use Only 2

3 eHMP Objectives Provide a single Point of Care tool for providers
Present providers with information rather than data Improve provider pain points Support Veteran-centric, team- based, quality driven healthcare Tailor and track care to Veteran functional goals and preferences Gather and analyze new data for improvements in quality improvement and efficiency of operations Provide robust long-running workflow and decision support Develop reusable components and services Provide a multipurpose technology platform Decrease cost and time to market Improve ability to use COTS/externally developed applets, services, content and products Develop and improve industry partner relationships

4 Agile Methodology

5 Waterfall vs Agile Methodology
4 444 : Requirements Design Implementation Verification AGILE WATERFALL Documents Unverified Code Software

6 eHMP Agile Ceremonies Scope defined in Epics, Themes and User Stories
Progress monitored via Scrums Work completed in Sprints (2 weeks) and demonstrated and reviewed by customer during Sprint Reviews (every 2nd Wednesday) Work Planned in 3 Months Increments called PSIs (Potentially Shippable Increments)

7 eHMP Scaled Agile Project (Portfolio) Release (Program) Sprint (Team)
PMAS DOCUMENTS INVESTMENT THEMES PWS CLIN 1 PWS CLIN 2 PROJECT BACKLOG RELEASE BACKLOG System Team PSI 1 Potentially Shippable Increment HARDENING PSI 2… FEATURE EPICS SPAN RELEASES FEATURES FIT IN RELEASE USER STORIES FIT IN SPRINTS SCRUM TEAMS Uber Product Owner Chief Architect Uber Scrum Master UX and System Archs CI & CD SYSTEM BACKLOG METRICS & DASHBOARD Product Management Release Management TEAM BACKLOG SPRINT BACKLOG WITH USER STORIES 2-Week Sprints Quarterly Release Potential Release (Every quarter) Product Owner Scrum Master Vision & Product Roadmap ARCHITECTURAL EPICS FUNCTIONAL EPICS Kanban FUNCTIONAL PRIORITIZED ARCHITECTURAL Governance eHMP Leadership Change Control Board (CCB) UX Core Design Team Integrated Project Team (IPT)

8 Versions

9 eHMP v1.2, v.1.3, 2.0 eHMP v1.2: Enhanced viewer with condition-based analysis and user-defined workspaces. Provides longitudinal view of full patient record including all VA VistA data, DoD data and available community partner data. Includes text search, patient photo, multiple charts and graphs and significantly enhanced auditability. Read Only Version, targeted for enterprise wide deployment. eHMP v1.3: Initial write back iteration with improved access management and comprehensive audit and reporting capabilities. Incorporates outpatient encounters, progress notes, and introduces placing lab orders using multiple integrated platform services including initial task management, clinical decision support (CDS) and notifications. Targeted for Initial Operating Capability (IOC) site production use. eHMP v2.0: Enhanced write back capabilities, Enterprise Single Sign On (SSOi) Integration including PIV authentication. Introduction of Activity Management that incorporates task management, team management, order management, CDS, forms, alerts/notifications to enable future generation of clinical workflows. Includes additional order types, consults, observations goals and problem lists. Targeted for IOC entry in FY16.

10 eHMP v1.2 Feature Highlights
Feature Description User-defined screens Allowed a user to create and save multiple screen configurations containing applets of various views (Trend, Expanded, etc.) to support specific clinical workflows.  Applets are resizable and can be repositioned as needed Trend views Displayed a snapshot of aggregated clinical data viewed as a trend available within certain applets Global Timeline Date Filter Provided an interactive graphical display showing clinical activity over time, in reverse chronological order.  The GTDF also serves as the date control for presenting information on the screen Meds Review Sparkline Enhanced the Medications Review Applet with additional fields and an inline sparkline graph showing order data Patient Photo Created the structure to display patient photos from VistA imaging Receive/Display Community Health (VLER) Enhanced the Community Health Summaries applet to show C-CDA documents coming from VLER in addition to the C32s that it currently displays Auditing Tracked user activities beyond Sensitive record access Test Search Improvements Provided a Google-Like search containing results from across the entire integrated patient record within VX Condition-based Analysis Workspaces Created pre-defined condition-based analysis workspaces (ex. Diabetes) that have pre-set filters and applet organization to support focused information for a select set of chronic diseases Health Summaries Provided access to CPRS Health Summary Reports for each facility where the patient has a record On-line Help Logically constructed, responsive, context-sensitive help screens User Analytics Ability to track user transitions between workspaces

11 Viewer Enhancements (Read-only) New Features (Write-Back)
eHMP v1.3 Milestones New user context workspace view Demonstrate write-back in Production Create and sign outpatient lab order Introduce role-based access controls Ready-only configuration Deploy CDS and Activity Management Establish Production release process Scalability/Performance enhancements Production Strategy Deploy R1.3 to IOC sites to validate read-only configuration and write-back capabilities. Assign default read-only access to all R1.2 Production users & upgrade to R1.3. Assign write-back privileges to limited group of focus users for simulated clinical use in test and actual patient records Viewer Enhancements (Read-only) Patient selection Medication Applet Med Review Stacked Graphs Orders Applet Text search GUI consistency/508 New Features (Write-Back) Vital signs - Add, mark as EIE Allergies – Add, mark as EIE Basic notes – Create, delete, sign O/P Lab Orders – Create, cancel, save, sign Record locking & order checks Task List Applet Follow-up order protocol activity Cache management/expiration ASM Proprietary Information – Do Not Distribute

12 eHMP v1.3 Feature Highlights
Feature Description Viewer Enhancements Implemented enhancements to the view features in v1.2 based on feedback from users, stakeholders, and human factors engineering (HFE) studies Vital signs Enter new vital signs data or mark previously entered data as “entered-in-error” Allergies Enter new allergy information or mark previously entered data as “entered-in-error” Basic Progress Notes Create, modify, save, and sign basic progress notes back to the legacy VistA Text Integration Utilities (TIU) package Outpatient Lab Orders Create, save, sign, and discontinue VistA orders for basic, outpatient laboratory tests including associated record locking & order checks Follow-up order protocols Allow the user to associate follow-up protocol activities to laboratory orders including integration with the task manager, notification system, and clinical decision support services Task List Applet Gives the user a list of assigned tasks for the patient in context or all patients related to the user on the "My Workspace" view Encounter Management Allow the user to establish new clinical encounters or select an existing encounter for compatibility with the legacy VistA Patient Care Encounter (PCE) package Cache Management Implement strategy for refreshing the VX-Sync cache of expired patient data across multiple sites Access Management Access controls based on role based permission sets Audit and Reporting Comprehensive audit and reporting capability for both reads and writes to all patient records

13 ASM Proprietary Information – Do Not Distribute
eHMP v2.0 Milestones Full multi-tasking user experience Central, non-VistA clinical data repository Integrated production services – activity/order management, clinical decision support, notifications/alerts, concept relationship management Enterprise order management/selection Consult management solution New Features Multi-tasking UX Note objects/Data annotation Outpatient lab orders Diagnostic imaging orders Task creation and management Team/roles management Problem List write-back Immunizations write-back Activity/Order selection service Quick orders/activities Activity Management Consult orders Nursing orders Order sets/menus Notifications/alerts Context persistence Patient-specific observation goals Production Strategy Full deployment to all sites Add users as infrastructure permits ASM Proprietary Information – Do Not Distribute

14 eHMP v2.0 Feature Highlights
Feature Category Feature Description Multi-tasking User Interface Allow the user to access the entire patient record during all write-back activities Note Objects/Data Annotation Create annotations while entering clinical data that can be used to document the activities in progress notes and other Order O/P Diagnostic Imaging Create, save, sign, and discontinue VistA orders for basic, outpatient diagnostic imaging including order checks Task Creation and Management Create and assign patient related tasks to team-based roles to improve communications and enable care coordination Team/Roles Management Interface with the Patient Care Management Module (PCMM) to provide team/role services to the eHMP platform Problem List write-back Enable an authorized user to add new or modify existing SNOMED-CT based Problem List entries for a patient Immunizations write-back (VIMM) Record new immunizations or mark existing immunizations as “entered-in-error” Activity/Order Selection Service Provide centralized definition and management of enterprise orderables and local formularies Activity Management Service Implement an Activity Management Service that provides a rapid method for creating, altering, assigning, reviewing, testing and publishing patient oriented care pathways/protocols and support routing of tasks to teams or individuals Alerts and Notifications Provides a notification service to include modeling, history, display, and disposition of notifications and alerts related to patient care  Consults Orders Allow authorized users to create, view, save, delete, and sign outpatient consult orders Order sets/menus Create enterprise order sets and menus to support consult activities Authentication and Access Enhancements Integration with enterprise Single Sign On service and enablement of PIV authentication Ability to provide granular or individual permissions to users in addition to role based permission sets. Nursing orders Create and manage free text orders assigned to nursing or other allied healthcare roles Context persistence Allow the user to optionally resume the application at the last patient/workspace context Patient-specific observation goals Create, modify, and delete patient-specific goal targets for numeric observations (vitals & lab results) that can be graphically displayed or used as inputs to the clinical decision support (CDS) service

15 ASM Proprietary Information – Do Not Distribute
eHMP Beyond 2.0 Milestones Abstraction of Platform Components Implementation of Additional Workflows Advanced Pharmacy Orders Advanced Concept Relationships Advanced CDS & Complex Event Processing Scheduling Integration Patient Flow Integration Third Party Applications Statistical Engine Integration New Features Activity Management Enhancements Human Notification Services Team Instant Messenger Workload Capture Natural Language Processing Cohort/Panel Management Automated Classification Methodology Forms Enhancements Data Annotation Enhancements Stateful Data Reconciliation Information Assembly Workspace Layout and List Applet Face and List Applet Content Document/Notes Templates Help Enhancements Goal Enhancements Interactive Graphics Task Manger Enhancements Care Plan Manger Negation Tools Patient Flow Management Personal Management Multi-Management Data Panels Support Multi Form-Factor Presentation Production Strategy Gradually increase user adoption and deploy to all sites Implement horizontal scaling to accommodate increasing user base ASM Proprietary Information – Do Not Distribute

16 eHMP as a Platform

17 eHMP as a Platform Enterprise Health Management Platform (eHMP) is the infrastructure and user interface that will eventually replace Computerized Patient Record System (CPRS) as VA’s primary point of care application A critical cornerstone project under the VistA Evolution Program Being designed as an Event Driven Open Platform A Key enabler in achieving VistA Evolution Program goals Improve interoperability with DoD and other healthcare partners to provide information VA clinicians can act upon Enhance VistA to support a patient-centric, goal oriented, team-based health care delivery model Establish a robust Information Technology (IT) architecture to underpin current usage and future innovation VA Internal Use Only

18 How eHMP Fits into the Larger Architecture
Source: eHMP 1.3 and Immunization Write Bach Architecture Tiger Team Executive Level Views brief, July 14, 2015 6

19 eHMP Architecture 19 This is the overall eHMP architecture
Next two slides split this diagram (TOP and BOTTOM) for easy viewing Everything in blue represents VistA Exchange and its components Everything in grey represents everything external to VistA exchange 19 VA Internal Use Only

20 v2.0 Technology Platform Status
Workspace UI/UX Framework User Configurable Workspaces Alert & Notification Framework Configuration Based UI Rendering Common UI Components Workspace Applet Repository Allergies Medications Notes Vitals Labs Consults Composite Services BPMN/Configuration Based Activity Management Composable Business Rules & Activity Framework Business Domain Agnostic Components OpenSource/COTS Based (JBoss BPM & Drools) CDS Engine Activity Mgmt. Business Rules Engine Team Mgmt. Orders Mgmt. Data Layer Aggregated Patient Data Across All Vista Instances Optimized Data Synchronization Process Normalized & Enriched Data Highly Performant Data Cache SolR Data Store for Optimized Text Search VistA Write-Back Through Exposed RPC JDS Normalize Map Enrich CDS Rules State SolR VA & External Rules Content COTS / OpenSource Components VA Custom Component VA Specific Interfaces Authoritative Data RPC RPC RPC DAS DoD VistA VistA VistA

21 Enterprise Health Management System (eHMP): Beyond v2.0
Workspace Workspace UI/UX Framework Workspace Third Party Applets (From FTL / Platform Users) Advanced Team Communications / IM Capability Voice Input Applet Repository Allergies Medications Notes Non-eHMP Applet Vitals Labs Consults Non-eHMP Applet Non-eHMP Applet Bus Rules Engine Team Mgmt. Existing OpenSource / COTS Components New Modular Components: COTS / OpenSource Event Driven Architecture Services Enabled & Composable Components CDS Engine Population Health Composite Services Semantic Engine Complex Events Orders Mgmt. Activity Mgmt. NLP Engine Statistics Engine VA & External Rules Content COTS / OpenSource Components VA Custom Component VA Specific Interfaces Data Layer CDS Rules Normalize Map Enrich State SolR JDS Authoritative Data RPC RPC RPC DAS DoD VistA VistA VistA

22 eHMP Software Development Kit (SDK)
Provide a framework for adding incremental functionality to eHMP by creating new applets and server resources to access VistA Exchange In the future, provide an environment for sharing and collaborating on applets and functionality The SDK that is currently used for all internal eHMP and application development and will serve as SDK for new external developers to create functionality. It will be made available to internal and external stakeholders by late summer intially through Future Technologies Lab (FTL) (previously known as VHA Innovations VACI Sandbox)

23 SDK Overview SDK RDK ADK VistA Exchange
Both the VX-API and the eHMP-UI is developed using the VistaCore SDK. ADK

24 SDK Documentation https://ehmp. vistacore
SDK Documentation UI Component Library If time allows walk through the documentation.

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