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Prepare specifications/requirements magnetic and mechanical characteristics operation mode Development of Test facility - dedicated test facility to study.

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1 Prepare specifications/requirements magnetic and mechanical characteristics operation mode Development of Test facility - dedicated test facility to study the detailed characteristics ( - cryomodule to confirm the real operation) Development of SC magnet new type magnet would be studied and developed ~6 magnets should be built for R&D SC Magnet development plan at KEK K. Tsuchiya

2 Specifications Quad Gradient 60 T/m Beam aperture > 70 mm Current 100 A (?) Magnetic length (?) Physical length (?) Field quality b6 @ mm ? other multipoles ? Hysteresis ? Operation temp. 2 K (?) Cooling method (?) Leakage field ? Alignment errors  x,  y,  ? Dipole BL 0.05 Tm

3 Test facility and items to be studied 1) dedicated test facility to study the detailed characteristics transfer func. and multipole measurement hysteresis measurement magnetic center movement (magnet body) leakage field measurement 2) cryomodule to confirm the real operation cool down test quench recovery test magnetic center movement leakage field confirmation

4 SC magnet R&D 1)Magnet design - type TESLA type: easy coil winding but messy wire connection ---> new type - conduction cooling - simple assembling - where is the best place for the dipoles ? - how to reduce the leakage field ? 2) How many magnets should be built ? - ~3 prototype magnets - ~3 magnets to confirm the final performance

5 Budget and manpower Budget - dedicated test facility : ~1.5 M$ cooling system field measurement system - ~6 magnets : ~1.5 M$ - magnet installation into cryomodule ~ 0.3 M$ and test operation Manpower magnet design & fabrication : 2 FTE/ year cooling system : 1.5 FTE/ year field measurement system : 1.5 FTE/ year

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