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The Creative Process. Where you are now Started your FMP last week Mind-mapping (reflective and prospective) Briefed on the FMP Project proposal.

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Presentation on theme: "The Creative Process. Where you are now Started your FMP last week Mind-mapping (reflective and prospective) Briefed on the FMP Project proposal."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Creative Process

2 Where you are now Started your FMP last week Mind-mapping (reflective and prospective) Briefed on the FMP Project proposal

3 What we are going to look at today… Creativity Writing as part of the Creative Practice The creative process: how to increase your productivity

4 What is creativity? Discuss and jot down ideas in your groups

5 What is creativity? Unfortunate, tortured man. Constant torment due to frustrations with art and other people. Alienated. Misunderstood. Overwhelmed by inner conflicts. Self-portrait with bandaged ear Vincent van Gogh (1889)

6 What is creativity? Happy and successful. Commercially savvy. Visual communication. Working collectively. Collaboratively. Financially rewarding. Work just like in advertising. As an art director... Grabarz & Partner (1991)

7 What is creativity? Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems and communicating with others. 1993 Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken (page 396)

8 How to be creative In order to be creative, you need to be able to view things in new ways or from a different perspective. The ability to see things uniquely is linked to fundamental qualities of thinking, such as flexibility, tolerance of unpredictability, and the enjoyment of things heretofore unknown. 1993 Human Motivation, 3rd ed., by Robert E. Franken (page 394)

9 Blue Sky Time Creative or visionary ideas that are unconstrained by practicalities, current thinking or beliefs (Oxford Dictionary)


11 Where and When? Sophie Calle (2008)


13 The Blocked Drain George Shaw (2010)


15 100% Cotton, The oyster’s our world Susan Collis (2004)

16 Creativity is...

17 1)Viewing things from a different perspective 2)Generating or recognising ideas 3) Exploring surroundings and possibilities 4)Solving problems 5)Original, unique 6)Communicative 7)Flexible 8)Tolerant of unpredictability 9)Enjoyment of things here to unknown

18 Writing as an art or design Creative Practitioner Why write? Degree courses have a written element to them Most careers in art and design have a written element to them Communication

19 Project Proposal Section 1 A review of progress and achievement Section 2 Project concept: concept and aims of your project Section3 Evaluation: explain the means by which you will reflect on, and evaluate, your work

20 Louise Bourgeois

21 The Ted Ten Manifesto

22 Top 10 buzz words in the creative industries Task: In groups match the creative buzz word with their definitions

23 Top 10 buzz words in the creative industries Inspiration Imagination Enquiry Explore Idea Innovate Problem Solve Actualise Reflect


25 The Creative Process Unit 7: Project Proposal and Realisation in Art and Design To take responsibility for your own learning by demonstrating your achievement in proposing and realising a project which integrates: - contextual perspective - research - problem solving - planning and organisation - practical, technical and presentational skills - evaluation and reflection

26 Research Problem Solving Planning and organisation Evaluation and reflection Contextual perspective Practical, technical and presentational skills

27 Productivity

28 Productivity – the state of being productive. Productive – achieving or producing a significant amount or result. Produce – create or form something. How to Work Better Fishli & Weiss (1991)

29 “Creativity is contagious, pass it on” (Albert Einstein)

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