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What Does Gifted Look Like? Characteristics to Consider Before Referring a Student for GATE Testing.

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2 What Does Gifted Look Like? Characteristics to Consider Before Referring a Student for GATE Testing

3 Possible Gifted Characteristics & Related Classroom Behaviors Learns rapidly and easily; retains information when interested High-level of verbal ability Capable of deep concentration and persistence when interested Easily bored; impatient with others; exhibits off task behaviors Dominates discussions with extra information and questions Exceptional abilities and interests in one subject area; with only average to below average performance in others Cognitive CharacteristicsClassroom Behaviors

4 Possible Gifted Characteristics & Related Classroom Behaviors, continued… Above average reasoning Varied interests and overly curious Sense of humor Sensitive to world problems and moral issues Heightened self- awareness; emotional depth Questions others logic including the teachers Asks lots of questions “class clown”; sees humor in abstract situations Lack of understanding from peer group Feeling “different” or isolated; moody Cognitive CharacteristicsClassroom Behaviors

5 Characteristics & Behaviors of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Gifted Learners

6 Learns more rapidly; retains information easily and longer More curious; has a strong need to know Independent thinker; has an inquiring mind Superior abstract thinking ability Senses discrepancies Becomes bored; resists repetitive tasks; disrupts class when work is finished Asks many questions; gets off topic frequently Rebellious; challenges authority; resists conformity A perfectionist; critical of own and other’s ideas Common CharacteristicsChallenging Classroom Behaviors

7 Characteristics & Behaviors of Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Gifted Learners Intellectually playful Intense; more sophisticated interests Wide range of interests Superior in divergent communication ability Interrupts with humorous distractions May suffer from peer isolation; a daydreamer Leaves projects unfinished; overextends him/herself May be perceived as a showoff by peers and adults Common CharacteristicsChallenging Classroom Behaviors

8 Characteristics Often Attributed to Gifted & Talented Minority and/or Disadvantaged Students Demonstrate the ability to bridge two cultures successfully Demonstrate the ability to bridge two cultures successfully Use non-standard English with standard English as a second language Use non-standard English with standard English as a second language Prefer visual and kinesthetic learning styles Prefer visual and kinesthetic learning styles Learn quickly and with experience Learn quickly and with experience Solve problems in resourceful and ingenious ways Solve problems in resourceful and ingenious ways Do not perform well on standardized assessments Do not perform well on standardized assessments

9 Characteristics Often Attributed to Gifted & Talented Minority and/or Disadvantaged Students,Cont’d… Perform better on non-verbal measures Perform better on non-verbal measures Possess social intelligence with a feeling of responsibility for community Possess social intelligence with a feeling of responsibility for community Exhibit alertness and curiosity Exhibit alertness and curiosity Perform better orally than in writing, using humor and metaphorical language Perform better orally than in writing, using humor and metaphorical language

10 GATE Testing Process for 2013-2014 All “placed” students in the GATE program will be tested Two tests will be administered for “placed” GATE students and referred students : – Aptitude - OLSAT – Achievement – Fall & Spring SMI and SRI

11 ~ Mark Twain Thousands of geniuses live and die undiscovered - either by themselves or by others.

12 Questions/Comments

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